the day

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*bang bang* ugh what dad. "first day at Hogwarts!" "are you serious ugh" *y/n gets ready and thinks of houses she may get into* what if I get into Hufflepuff?! y/n said of panic * you get your luggage ready and go out to eat some toast before going to platform 9 3/4* hey dad? Will you get mad if I get into Hufflepuff? "Depends on the moment" *you think that's strange* okay! *y/n gets her stuff all ready and goes outside waiting for dad* dad hurry I'm gonna be late! *Snape slowed down* you better behave. "What makes you think I won't?"

*dad grabs my arm and we some how teleport inside platform 9 3/4* how..... " sh y/n" you slowly close your lips when your dad disappears "dad.. Huh?" * you get frustrated and go on the bus* you sit down when the train starts to move* *you hear the door slide open and you see two people walk in, a blonde girl and a guy with brown hair*

"hello! May we sit here?" says the blonde girl "of course!" *they sit down and the blonde girl takes out a book"" im y/n! y/n Snape! "" I'm Luna, Luna lovegood! " said the blonde girl" "im Neville! Neville longbottom! " * they all talked for a while telling there life storys when the train stops*." where here! Hogwarts! " says Neville. *I look blankly at the biggest castle I've ever seen. *"so this is hogwarts?". We walk over and go to the dining hall* I shake when I see my father staring at me. I was so nervous. *

Sorry this chapter is short i couldn't really think of anything. Please make comments to help me!

my chosen one. harry Potter and y/n<3Where stories live. Discover now