t h r e e

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My alarm rang throughout my room, giving me a rude awakening.

"Ughh..." I groaned, rolled over, and pressed a botton on my phone to turn it off. Suddenly, I felt weight on me and my face was being licked repeatedly.

"Ew, Alf! Get off me!" But the little, fluffy dog wouldn't listen. "Alf!" I said loudly. His ears shot up as I got his attention. "Get. Down." I said strictly and pointed to the floor; finally, he hopped off of me.

I sighed heavily whilst rolling out of bed and dragging myself to the bathroom. As I turned the knob in the shower to warm, I recieved a text on my phone. I removed my hand from behind the shower curtain and grabbed my phone off the bathroom counter to check who messaged me.

Jenna: we're skipping school today. wanna join?

Aria: lol no

Jenna: ughhhh whyyyyyyy :(

Aria: bc this is my first week at the school and i dont want a bad rep

Jenna: party pooper :/

Aria: watevs. have fun

Jenna: it'll be no fun without youuuuu :3

Aria: well that's too bad. where are you going anyway?

Jenna: to a movie, then a concert.

Aria: oh, who are you going to go see?

Jenna: Fall Out Boy

Aria: Oh ok

That sounds way better than going to school. Besides, it's my senior year so I'm allowed to ditch school and enjoy myself every now and then.

Jenna: So are you in? ;)

Aria: Yup

I mean, no one will notice. What's the worst that could happen?


"Who else is coming?" I asked Jenna.

"Sage, Tyler, Keara, and me, obviously." She playfully flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder. "You can invite one person if you want."

"Josh." I answered so quickly, I even surprised myself.

Jenna smiled from ear to ear and wiggled her eyebrows at me. "Josh, huh? Does someone have a little crushy crush?" She rubbed her shoulder against mine.

"Oh shut up!" I jokingly punched her arm. "He's just sweet and a nice friend. Besides, who knows what will happen to him without my protection." I scanned the front of the school for him but I still couldn't spot Josh.

Keara had just approached us and joined into the conversation.

"Your protection? Are you his personal bodyguard now?" Jenna gave me an 'are-you-serious' look.

"Wait, what? What are we talking about?" Keara questioned, trying to catch up on our convo.

"Aria feels the need to protect Joshua Dun against his bullies." Jenna explained to the curly-haired girl.

Keara 'aw'ed and I rolled my eyes. "It seems like you really like him, Ari." She added.

"Ugh, enough with this." I groaned. "I don't like him like you think I do. And why are we still here? Aren't we supposed to be ditching?" I crossed my arms and attempted to change the subject.

I did like Josh but I'm still trying to figure how much I like him. He would make an amazing boyfriend, I bet. His smile, lean body, great music taste, and adorable personality makes me so attracted to him. But he's also very shy and insecure. Josh lives in his own personal shell, but I'll get him out of it. I want to see the real Josh; not the Josh that hides behind a protective layer of lonliness because he's afraid of judgement. I don't know why but he's so fascinating to me. I feel like I'm learning something new about him everyday. I think he feels safe around me and I will always cherish that.

As soon as Tyler and Sage arrived, we were about to leave until I remembered that I needed to ask Josh if he wanted to tag along. Jenna already given us our tickets for the concert but we had 1 extra.

"Guys, I'll be right back, I'm going to get Josh." As I jogged away, I heard them coming up with ship names for us. They're so ridiculous.

I found Joshua leaning against a tree, listening to music by himself. I quickly tapped on his shoulder to get his attention. "Hi! Me and a couple friends are going to see a movie and head to see Fall Out Boy; wanna come?"

"Umm... sure. After school, right?"

I chuckled to myself. "No, we're leaving right now." His expression turned into complete and utter worry.

"I can't just ditch school! I- We will get in so much trouble." He began fiddling with his fingers nervously.

I reached for his hands and held them tight so he could calm down a little. "Josh," His eyes brightened when I said his name. "If we get in trouble, I'll take the blame for everything. Let's just go and have some fun. It looks like you need some fun in your life." I stared into his beautiful hazel eyes and he sighed.

"Alright." He simply said. I squealed and led him over back to my group.

"Everyone's ready to go?" Tyler asked, excitedly.

"Yas!" We replied and secretly made our escape.



So, I finally updated!!! Next chapter is going to a fun little chapter so you can look forward to that.

I'll update as soon as possible.

Please vote and comment!!!! xx

tear in my heart | josh dunWhere stories live. Discover now