Chapter 3 - Night 1

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(AN: Sorry I haven't updated in forever! I'll try and do it a little more regularly. It'll probably be every Saturday. Thanks for reading!)

The manager showed me how to use everything and then promptly left, leaving me alone in the dark office. It was a little unnerving to have no door and open vents, though what could happen in a pizzeria? I spent the next few minutes in boredom, staring around the room before the clock chimed 12 loudly. I jumped into my seat, confident that I would be good at this job.

A few minutes later, a phone started ringing, making me jump. I looked around for it, and found it tucked into a corner. I picked it up and brought it back to my desk before pressing the answer button.

"Hello? Hello hello! Uh, hello and welcome to your new summer job at the new and improved Freddy Fazbears Pizza! Uh, I'm here to talk you through some of the things you can expect to see during your first week here and to help you get started down this new and exciting career path." Exciting? Well, if you say so. I flicked through the cameras as the message continued.

"Uh, now I want you to forget anything you may have heard about the old location, you know. Uh, some people still have a somewhat negative impression of the company...uhh, that old restaurant WAS kinda left to rot for quite a while. But uh, I want to reassure you Fazbear Entertainment is committed to family fun, and above all, safety. They spent a small fortune on these new animatronics, uh, facial recognition, advanced mobility, they even let them walk around during the day, ha! Isn't that neat...?" Walk around during the day? I thought they were animatronics, not toddlers. "But most importantly, they're all tied into some kind of criminal database, so they can detect a predator a mile away. Hey, we should be paying them to guard you! Uh, now that being said, no new system is without its...kinks." Kinks? What kinks? Maybe it's just a few malfunctions...hopefully...

"Uh, you're only the second guard to work at that location...uh, the first guy finished his week, but complained about...conditions...uh we switched him over to the day shift, so, hey! Lucky you, right? Uh, mainly he expressed concern that certain characters seemed to move around at night, and even attempted to get into his office." What?! I began to shift nervously in my seat. "Now, from what we know, that should be impossible. Uh, that restaurant should be the safest place on earth. So while our engineers don't really have an explanation for this, the working theory is that...the robots were never given a proper 'night mode,' so when it gets quiet, they think they're in the wrong room, so then they go and try to find where the people are, in which case, that's your office." So, crazy robots are going to come looking for me? Wow, that's reassuring.

"So, our temporary solution is this: there's a music box over by the prize counter, and is rigged to be wound up remotely, so just every once in a while, switch over to the prize counter video feed and wind it up for a few seconds. It doesn't seem to effect all the animatronics, but it does of them." Well that's helpful. One animatronic out of who knows how many there are. "Uh, and as for the rest of them, we have an even easier solution! You see, there may be a minor...glitch in the system, something about robots seeing you as an endoskeleton without it's costume on, and wanting to stuff you into a hey, we've given you an empty Freddy Fazbear head! Problem solved! You can put it on anytime, and leave it on as for long as you want. Eventually anything that wandered in will wander back out." An empty head?! How's that gonna help if they're going to try and stuff me? I began looking through the cameras a little quicker.

"Uh, something else worth mentioning, is kind of the quirky modern design of the building. You may have noticed there are no doors for you to close. But hey, you have a light, and even though your flashlight can run out of power, the building can not, so don't worry about the place going dark." Great. No doors, and only a flashlight. Why wouldn't you install doors if there are crazy animatronics on the loose?! "Well, I think that's it...uh, you should be golden! Otherwise, put on the Freddy head, if you need too, uh, keep the music box wound up, piece of cake! Have a good night, and I'll talk to you tomorrow!" The phone line clicked, and the room went silent.

I tried to run through all the information in my head. No doors, crazy animatronics, and only a head and a music box to stop them! This place sure was weird. I looked at the camera feed and switched over to the Show Stage. I expected to see them all lined up, but one was missing. The blue bunny. I frantically flicked between every camera, flicking the flashlight on in every one, and eventually found it in Party Room 3. I relaxed a little, but then realised a orange flashing warning sign next to one of the cameras. I quickly pressed that one, and saw that the music box had almost run out. I quickly pressed the button and it began to wind up. When it was done I put the camera down and checked the clock. 1am. Only 5 hours to go.

The rest of the shift consisted of keeping an eye on the blue bunny and winding up the music box. The bunny moved to outside the entrance of one of the vents, but didn't move from there. When the clock chimed 6am, I let out a sigh of relief. One shift done. The manager had told me to wait here for him to let me out, so I impatiently paced the room.

"Hi Jeremy! How was your first shift?" the manager asked when he arrived.
"Ok I guess..." I said, though I wanted to yell at him for not saying about the animatronics being crazy, and the head, and the music box.
"That's good. Go home, get plenty of sleep. I'll see you here tonight at ten to twelve." he said, before walking out. Why did I have to wait for him?

As I walked back to my car, I began to wonder whether it was a good idea to take this job. But I really needed the money, and at least I didn't need qualifications. I looked back at the restaurant, and had a sudden feeling that I was being watched.

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