Chapter-16 (Cabir has a secret)

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Nandini ended the call after talking to Raj... 
Then she told fab-4 whatever they talked about..

Mukti- Thank god...  Finally that b***h is out of Uncle's life...

Alya- Can't wait for manik to get well And give her punishment..

Dhruv- Yea only buddy has right to punish her...

They all see towards Cabir whoes face has turned pale...  Seeing something in phone..

Mukti- What happened Cabir...  Aisa kya dekhliya phone m ki tere chehre pe 12 bjhre h??
( what have you seen that you have 12 on your face)

Cabir-  *smiling fakely* Haha...  Nthng mukti I just saw a new dish..  So couldn't control my excitement... That was an happy shock 😂

All of them thought that something is fishy...  But they chuck it as they might be thinking so much...

(Something is wrong with Cabir... Guess what?? 🙄)

Alya- BTW Nandini... You know we all use to tease manik that he will never get married...

Mukti- Yea I mean for whose attention every girl in the college use to die... He was not at all interested in them... 

Alya- We use to make his fun... But after that incident...

Dhruv- Come on alya forget it please

Alya- How can I dhruv...  I am  the reason of Manik's this situation 😢

Nandini - Alya I don't know about the incident you are talking ...  But by seeing you all I can say that you all can never hurt him intentionally so just calm down...  You are no where at fault... There might be a situation like that in which you have to hurt him...

Alya- Nandini you know what manik use to say back in college days...

Nandini gave her a questioning look

Alya- He use to Say that one day a star is gonna come in his life...  Who will solve all his problems and light his dark world with bright light... 
Today in reality I can see his Star...  Which is you Nandini...
And because of him we too got a Beautiful human being...

Nandini - I can do anything for you all guys...  I  didn't knew it before that I'll be this attached to you all specially Manik...

Before they could continue their talk further... They was disturbed by a voice...

Manik- Nanni Mumma...  I am feeling hungry *pout*

Nandini - My bachcha is feeling hungry.... Tell me what will you have... 

Manik- umm 🤔🤔... Mushroom chicken..

Nandini - Okay I'll ask Maria Aunty to cook it for you...

Manik- No you only make it...  Please please please.....

Nandini's P. O. V

Aiyoo ayiapa...  How can I touch that chicken...  M a pure vegetarian...  Eeewww how do they even eat that.... But I have to do this for my baby...  I'll wash my hands afterwards so many time...  Yesterday too they ate in front of me...  It's okay Nandini you are daughter-in-law of Punjab's now...  You have to do this...

Nandini's P. O. V ends

Nandini -  Okay Bachcha I'll make it for you

Navya- But Nandini.. 

Nandini-  It's okay Navya I'll do that....

Nandini and Navya went in the kitchen to make Dinner for everyone...

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