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"Late today" Nazli's mobile buzzed with a text.

"It's better you tell me when you're early." She replied irritated to see the message every evening for the past 3 days.

"Hmm I don't want to leave you expecting for it all day..." Ferit sent it with a wink emoji.

"Get back to work" She ordered.

She got busy with her work. It was lunch time when Deniz came over to her desk.

"I'm sure we can grab a quick lunch" He said as he pulled her out without listening to any of her excuses.

As they stepped into the restaurant, she spotted Ferit at a table busy on his mobile as usual.

"Finally, I managed to get you together for lunch..." Deniz said as they joined him. She gave Ferit a questioning look when he signaled it was all Deniz.

"I wanted to thank you Nazli.. you know for hosting Ferit when I was away" Deniz added.

"My treat... I guess you want the usual... what about you Ferit?" Deniz asked him to pick what he wanted.

As it was self-serve, Deniz went to order.

"You could've warned me." Nazli said once they were alone.

"Deniz said meet me for lunch, he didn't tell me he's going to bring you" Ferit was equally surprised to see her.

"Guess it makes up for dinner tonight. I've meetings with the US team in the evening so might get late" He updated her.

"You messaged me already Ferit..." She looked away trying to hide her sorrow. They have not seen each other much in the past few days. He was late every night and left early before she could see him. He might leave soon as it's been a week already and it troubled her.

"Would it make it any better to know I'm going to be here next week as well?" He saw a smile appear on her face instantly as he said that.

"A bit better I guess" She winked and he wanted to kiss her, but he could not take a risk with Deniz being there.

"Here's your food... What are you guys talking about?" Deniz was back.

"Nazli was updating me about your exes Deniz" Ferit decided to tease him.

"Nazli... Guess I should've never let you guys meet" Deniz gave a serious look to Nazli.

"Too late Deniz" Nazli said.

"I tried my luck, Ferit... what about you? You seem to be drowning yourself in work" He knew his cousin had a very busy schedule that wouldn't allow him to meet anyone.

Ferit looked at Nazli while she pretended to be busy eating. If only Deniz knew, it was not work but her eyes he was drowning in. She kicked him with her foot under the table trying to distract him.

"I did meet someone Deniz but guess she's too distracted to notice me..." He said playing with his words.

"Wow someone actually ignored Ferit Aslan... She must be blind then" Deniz declared.

"What about you Nazli?" Ferit put her in the spotlight but before she could say something Deniz interrupted them.

"Ferit... she's already in love" Deniz said and both looked at him in shock.

"with food obviously... She doesn't really speak much when she's eating if you didn't notice already." Deniz laughed.

"100% committed to food" Ferit joined in, earning a kick under the table.

"Well at-least I'm committed to something unlike you guys" Nazli said as he punched Deniz on his arm and glared at Ferit.

"Jokes apart, I need your support." Deniz said and they both looked at him.

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