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It was Sunday morning and Nazli woke up to the noise of morning news. She freshened up and went to the living room to see him eating instant noodles watching the news. He seemed knackered.

"All okay?" She asked as she served herself some and sat beside him.

"I'm old now Nazli. I can't seem to handle drinking like earlier. I guess I've to cut down." He put his head in her lap.

"Wow Ferit that's very introspective but I've heard you say that thrice now." She reminded him of the time he ended up on the bathroom floor after he returned from an office party.

"I know I did cut down but don't know what happened. My head is spinning." He said as he placed the bowl in the sink.

"Let me make some Ayran then" Nazli proceeded to make a yoghurt drink and handed it over to him. He drank some and immediately ran over to the bathroom puking.

Once he finished, Nazli handed him lemonade and a mop and bucket to clean the mess.

"Better clean your mess yourself" She left.

As he cleared the mess and came out, he saw her dressed up.

"I'm going shopping" She declared.

"Wait let me come" He recalled he was supposed to take her shopping today.

"Should have thought about that last night before losing your senses." She left. He rested on the couch and went to sleep as he was too tired.

It was early afternoon when we woke up, Nazli was not back yet. No texts either.

"Should have eaten something proper" Deniz's text reminded him that they were busy pub crawling and did not care to eat much food. He had a fun day yesterday catching up with Deniz and some friends, who were in town.

He then noticed a plate on the dining table and found the cause of her anger. When he called her yesterday to check on her, he told that they have not eaten much. She texted him later that she left him some food, so he would not get sick. He was almost dizzy when he came home and went straight to bed.

"Sorry I promise I'll take care next time" He texted realising his mistake.

She saw the message but did not reply. It took him half a day to sort himself out, she thought. He was leaving in the night.

It was the longest he had been with her, yet she was not prepared to let him go. He chose to get sick on their last day together. She had to sort her thoughts and could not do it with him around. So, she escaped to do some shopping.

He mentally noted her anger is something he needs to be very careful of. She seemed to give him a tough time, but he knew the key to her anger as well. Food!! He loaded the dishwasher and decided to cook lunch to cool her down a bit.

Nazli returned home with bags in her hand.

"Ah you're back, just in time. Let me set the table" He said arranging items on the table.

"I had lunch already" She said.

"I said I'm sorry Nazli" He held her hand.

"It's okay Ferit, you don't have to be. You're responsible enough to do what you want." She left to her room. He followed her.

"Why are you still upset then?" He questioned her.

"I was looking forward to spending the day with you as you're leaving tonight." She was disappointed.

"So, do you want to waste the rest of the evening sulking as well?" He pulled her closer, making her sit on his lap.

"I ruined the day, didn't I?" She should keep her anger in check sometimes.

"It was my mistake that I got sick, Nazli. I'm sure we'll laugh about it next time." He tickled her.

"Now can you give me company?" He was famished and needed to eat.

"I got you something" Nazli went back to the living room and he followed.

"Donuts...thanks Nazli." He was trying to take it from her when she pointed to the food on the table first. He finished his lunch while Nazli asked him if he packed his stuff.

"Why don't you leave some of them here? I'll get them dry cleaned. It would save you some time to pack and unpack every time" She suggested.

"That's not a bad idea. I can get more stuff for you that way." He winked. She has been crazily ordering stuff like spices, traditional Turkish tea-set, rugs, etc from back home.


He was back home and had a busy week at work. It was the weekend and he set up a plan to do a video call with her. He showed her around his house and finally settled in his room.

"Wow in comparison this place would seem like a cabin for you." She joked.

"No, I would still prefer that as this place will always be missing something," He concentrated on the screen.

"What? Some colour? Or View of Thames river instead of Bosphorous? You're crazy" She was busy typing something in her laptop.

"You... you can add colour just with your presence. You're more beautiful to me than any view."  He seemed to miss her crazily.

"Wow that's super cheesy. What have you taken so early in the day? Don't you have a party to attend later this evening?" She dismissed the conversation.

"Nothing... However, I think I should take some to survive the evening. It's a wedding reception of one of my cousins. Everyone will be after me now to settle down." He was not looking forward to the evening.

"Well, they're right. You should probably find someone to settle down. I'm sure there'll be loads of gorgeous girls at the party to choose from." She said in a mocking tone.

"You seem to be full of joy today, everything ok? Are you working on Sunday?" Her frown, her tone was starting to concern him.

"My performance review is due soon. You know how much I worked on this project to prove to them I handle more responsibilities. Now, my boss left for holiday dumping his work on me as well. I don't want him to pin me down for not completing it." She worked hard for the promotion and she was not going to give them a chance to let her down last minute.

"Don't worry you'll get it. You deserve it. Do you want me to call back later?" He asked not to disturb her.

"No wait" She put her laptop aside.

"So, tell me about this party" She was suddenly interested to know about it.

"Zeynep warned me that it's going to be grand. I just hope I can find a quiet corner to disappear." He even dreaded to think about it.

"What if your family tries to find you a bride among the crowd? Are there going to be a lot of girls around?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Are you jealous? Do you want me to wear a I've a girlfriend badge?" He joked looking at her face.

"Not a bad idea" She pictured him.

"I never thought of you as the jealous type." He responded.

"Sometimes I'm just lost. There seems to be a lot going on in my head. This review, you, what I'm expecting from my career and life... I know we decided that we can do this long distance but..." She tried to voice her concerns aloud hoping to get some clarity.

"Do you wish that I don't come to see you anymore?" Her thoughts scared him, and he was unable to make sense of them.

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