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*Two days before the joint stag-bachelorette party; Full Sail University, Orlando Florida; NXT Live on USA Network*

"Is it necessary for me to meet the girl you're setting me up with now? I'm literally meeting her in two days" I frowned as we were in the front row of a professional wrestling show

"Well that's not the only reason why I brought you here Miki, they signed me to be one of their superstars and my fiance works here as a ring announcer" my cousin smiles "You're not actually meeting her though, just seeing her" he added

"Shock The System" a deep voice suddenly said, followed by a rock-like music begins to play and two figures, a man and a woman appeared on the ramp

"The following contest is a mixed tag team match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, representing The Undisputed Era, the team of The NXT Women's Champion Kyla O'Reilly and The NXT Champion, Adam Cole!" Marco's fiancee stated

My eyes went wide as I saw the familiar fair skinned redhead with the guy in the trunks as they kissed passionately

I may have been shitfaced drunk that night but I never got her face out of my head after two years... Part of me wishes that I get to see her again and introduce myself to her properly and get to know her as a person

But I guess she's moved on now...

Marco seemed to notice that I was staring at Kyla as she and her boyfriend walked down the ramp "They're not really dating Miki" he chuckled "That's my future brother in law with her, they're best friends behind the scenes but they're not together as far as I know" he winks as Kyla got to the side of the ring, eyes going wide as we made eye contact for a second

She remembers me too...



My eyes were wide as saucers when I saw the familiar man watching next to Monica's fiance... We made eye contact for a few seconds but it seemingly felt like hours

I've been having dreams about being with him... Starting a family... Him accepting Celine and some that are innapropriate for the past two years

Could he be Marco's cousin? God I wish he was... Holy shit! What if he knows about Celine already?

I mentally shook my head to ease my racing mind and went back into character. Since Kyla and Adam are breaking up soon, I decided to blow a kiss towards the man next to Marco and winked at him before going inside the ring

"Adam Cole's not happy that his girlfriend is flirting with a fan" Vic Joseph commented as I saw Austin glaring at Marco's direction

For being fake jealous, he sure is convincing


For the rest of the match, he's never taken off his eyes on me while I'm in the ring, watching my every move and from the looks of it, he seems interested to know about the sport (he asks Marco a few questions here and there)

"Candice LeRae with a roll up!" Beth Phoenix exclaimed as Candice tried to roll me up but I quickly countered it with my finishing submission maneuver, a modified inverted figure four leg lock, making her tap instantly

"Here are your winners, Adam Cole and Kyla O'Reilly!" Monica announced as the referee raised mine and Austin's hand

Feeling bold and brave, I decided to taunt Marco as we went of the air since I heard that his first feud is with Austin for the title "You don't have what it takes to beat my man De Luca!" I jeered as Austin wraps his arm around my waist as he joined in on the insult

"You'll never beat me Marco!" Austin exclaimed

"That's not a nice way to talk to my cousin babygirl..." Celine's father spoke, and I tried to control myself from kissing him again after two years

"Stay out of this pretty boy... You don't want to get involved with The Undisputed Era!" I sassed

"Maybe... But I do want to get involved with you" he cups my cheeks and suddenly kissed me

I wanted to kiss him back so badly but I pulled away and slapped him out of shock before running backstage, knowing that some fans already took a photo or even a video of us

Why the fuck did he kiss me?!

A/N: Y'all didn't see the kiss coming did ya? 😉🙊

What do you think the Era boys' reactions will be? (Especially Austin 😉)

Kayla's photo is up top 💜💛

-Sofia ❤️

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