Fifteen. (TheLastofUs)

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The last of us fanfiction.
(Edit soon!).

It was my 15th birthday tomorrow.
I don't get excited for my birthday at all, it's so pointless, especially how I have no family except for Joel and well, we're not even related.
I remember my 14th birthday.
I was back at my camp and it was just before Riley had disappeared from me to go join the fireflies.
I was mad at her 3 days beforehand.
Because you know us, we fight about the stupidest things.
Our fight was basically about how I wanted to stay in bed and wait for drills to finish before doing anything chaotic.
But back to the point.
She wanted to make me happy again so we wouldn't fight anymore and of course, I ignored her or brushed her off.
"Ellie please tell me what you want for your birthday"
She would ask me constantly.
"Riley I told you! I hate birthdays!"
I would reply.
"Alright uh.. I like Dinosaurs.
You should get me a dinosaur.
We can name his Steve and he can sleep on the top bed! It has been 3 years since I haven't had a room mate and Steve--"
"I can't get you a dinosaur Ellie. Just, be serious"
Riley commanded.
I sighed and one of the soldiers had come to kick her out of my room.
I tucked myself into bed and rolled over to my side, facing the wall, thinking on what I might actually want for my birthday.
I shook my head.
"No no, birthdays are stupid"
I rolled back to a log position and closed my eyes.
"Scoot kiddo" Joel had spoken as I rubbed my eyes and moved over to the other side of the couch.
"Ugh.. What time is it?" I ask looking around for the time.
"Don't know, my watch IS broken" Joel replied in a dumbass kind of way.
"Oh right, what ever happened to the watch or.. Why don't you ever take it off?" I ask, starring at his arm.
"It was a birth---"
He stopped.
"Geez! I almost forgot, your birthday!" Joel got up off the couch and ran outside.
"Joel?? JOEL!" I yell, getting up off of the couch and following his footsteps.
I walk outside where I see Tommy, Joel's younger brother by 3 years petting Callus.
"Tommy?" I speak.
"Ah! Ellie! Long time kid" he came up to me and handed me a small present.
I look at it.
"What's this?" I ask, starring up at Tommy.
"A present. It's your birthday right? Well, atleast that's what Joel told me"
"Where is Joel anyway?" A voice spoke.
Maria jumped out of the truck and walked her way up to me, handing me another small present along with a card.
"Why do you look so surprised Ellie? Never had a present before?" Maria asks as she puts her arm around her Fiancé.
"Well it's not that it's just--
I wake up.
A soldier walks into my room and tells me it's time for my drills.
I put on a pair of pants and a plait shirt and head to the circuit.
After doing my drills, I head into the showers where of course, I take a shower.
Washing my short hair, I can see Riley in the corner of my eye.
"Ellie!" She yells.
I ignore.
"Oh come on Ellie, stop acting like a child" Riley sighs.
"What?" I look over to her.
"Your birthday" she said.
"I said I don't want anything!" I grab a towel and head back into my room, tying my hair up and putting on a red shirt and black jeans.
Riley rushes into my room.
"I know what to get you!" She smiles.
"Okay, what?" I ask.
"It's a surprise, silly" Riley snickered.
I sit on my bed and look up at her.
"Alright" I reply.
She sits next to me and sighs.
"Geez Ellie, you really hate birthdays"
"I don't even know the person who gave birth to me, what's the point?" I ask, scratching my forehead.
"Well.. Yeah but don't worry! You're gonna love what I got!" Riley jumped up in joy and rushed back to her room.
|Ellie's 13th birthday|
I wake up and change into my clothes, heading down to get some breakfast.
"Ellie!" Riley calls out my name and rushes to me.
"Happy birthday to my favourite girl in the world" Riley hugs me and hands me a car with a dinosaur on it.
"It's the only dinosaur I could find"
"Heh, okay then" I reply as I open the card.
I read it.
Just some cheesy shit.
Saying how amazing I am.
That's about it.
I sit down and eat my breakfast and Riley just stares at me.
"Did you even read it?" She finally speaks.
"Yeah thanks!" I say in a happy way, then going back to a serious face.
"Ellie come on!"
Riley sighs as usual than looks up at me.
"Oh hold on! I got you some stuff, but we have to go back to your room to get it".
I finish my food and head up to my room with Riley in front.
"Here!" She hands me a tape with a bunch of songs on it.
"Oh cool! Thanks Riley" I thank her.
"That's not it!" She says.
Riley opens her bag and takes out two water guns and places one in my hand.
"No. Fucking. Way!" I say in excitement.
"I knew you'd like it"
"Water fight!"
We begin spraying each other with water and run around the top floor.
"HAHAHAHA! Oh thanks Riley!" I say as I spray her once again.
She sprays me back, then stops.
"Oooooo got you! What giving up now aye chicken shit?! Ellie is the true water gun master!!" I yell throwing my hands in the air.
At that moment, someone ripped the water gun from my hand.
-------------------------------------------l open Tommy's present first and inside is a red belt bracelet.
"Like it? You seem to have a lot of red clothes and so I saw this and thought of you" Tommy said as he put the bracelet on my wrist.
"Yeah thanks!" I smile.
I then open Maria's.
Inside is a red dinosaur keyring.
"You seem to like red, dinosaurs and keyrings like that purple one so I got you this. It's not much but, it's a gift from the heart" she says.
I thank them both with a hug and shake my head.
"Wait a minute. JOEL!"
I look left and right and see no sign of Joel.
"He's out the back" Tommy tells me.
"Thanks!" I run inside and slide open the back door where I see a giant jumping castle, waterslide and small Ferris wheel!
"Holy fuck, JOEL! WHERE DID YOU EVEN GET THIS!?" I yell as I look up at the rides.
"There was an abandoned carnival so I just took some rides" Joel answers.
I rush over and hug Joel.
"Thank you.." I sniffle.
"Aye kiddo don't get emotional just have fun!" Joel says as he looks down at me.
I nod and rush over to the water slide.
Getting on it in my clothes, not caring if they got wet, I slide down in enjoyment.
I then rush over to the jumping castle and Joel plugs in the tape Riley gave me last year.
I jump around, doing tricks and flips and then see Joel just standing there smiling.
"Get in here!" I laugh.
"Nah kiddo, I'm a bit too old to be jumping around". He replies.
"You're too old to kill infected and travel from one town to another but you did it anyway, so get your ass in here!" I run out and grab his arm, dragging him into the jumping castle.
I jump and dance to the great music and laugh and Joel just jumps without a smile on his face, just humiliation.
"Come on Joel!" I shout as I grab his hands and jump and dance around with him.
We have a good laugh until the first song finishes.
Maria and Tommy are sitting out at the back porch, smiling at me and Joel.
"You two are so cute" Maria smiles.
I then drag Joel to the Ferris wheel and tommy turns it on.
"Off ya go!" Tommy says.
I sit opposite from Joel and look out the window.
"You know, I've never really had a birthday like this, or a birthday in general. Thanks Joel." I look over at him and smile.
"Almost forgot!" Joel says as he puts his hand in his pocket.
I got my hands on this-
"Water guns?! You're coming with me to see the boss!" The soldier yells as he drags both me and Riley by our hair.
He drags us into the "boss'" office and pushes us down on chairs.
"Found these two playing with water guns!" The soldier speaks.
"Give them to me" the boss speaks.
The soldier hands him the water guns.
"Damn.." Riley says under her breath.
"For that, I'm making you clean all the bathrooms and lockers"
"What!!" I yell.
"You can't do that!!" I shout louder.
"With toothbrushes" the "boss" says as he puts out toothbrushes.
We groan and pick up the brushes.
"This sucks" I groan.
Riley nods.
"Sorry for ruining your birthday Ellie" Riley looks down.
"I don't care really, it was the best I've had!" I smile.
"Duh, I've never had a birthday"
Riley hugs me and I hug her back.
"I know it's hard but I saw this and new it was hers"
Riley's firefly pendant.
Right there.
In Joel's hand.
I pick it up and clip it on.
I tear up a bit.
"I know it's hard" Joel gets up and gives me a hug.
I hug him back.
"Yeah kiddo?"
"Thank you.. For giving me the best birthday.. A 15 year old could have"
"Don't mention it kid".

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