chapter -7

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Y/n was sleeping peacefully in her room ...wind blowing on her body as the window was was already midnight and everyone were sleeping in there room .... No one expected something dangerous would. Happen to her not even herself... suddenly a Full black dressed man  climbed the window coming slowly near y/n ... When he was quite close to her he started loading his gun while looking at it but because of the noice that guy did made y/n flung her eyes open she looked everywhere with her eye's...and at left she saw a guy fully dressed black up to down loading his gun she widen her eye's in terror and taught what to do but then she remembered she know fighting skills so she suddenly hit on his balls with her leg and ranout of the room ...the man was still  growing in pain rolling on bed from here to there....

Y/n pov :
.I immediately ran  to jk room I don't know why and started banging on it soon it opened revealing a sleepy jk and he was shirt less .... Shit ! He is so ho- y/n !!!, Yahhh what are you thinking I immediately ran into his room dragging him too by his hands .. and closed the door shut I kept breathing heavily leaning on the door.... Jk asked me if iam ok... I looked at him for a moment as he was wearing his t shirt.... And  suddenly felt like crying and hugged him tightly and cried in his embrace  he tried to shush me but I wasn't able to after  some hour's When I totally done  wetting his tshirt while crying .... But because of his sweet talks it made my mind at ease it felt like I know him for ages ... Iam  not a crybaby but I felt to show my emotions to him and that's what I did... CRIED my heart out... And because of heavy eyes I fell asleep in his warm embrace..


I was sleeping peacefully in my room when I Heard loud Bang on my door I immediately got up ran to the door and opened it ..y/n was standing there breathing heavily but suddenly pulled me inside closing the door shut I was shock what happened to her? When I suddenly wanted to ask what happened to her she looked at me for a moment then ran to me hugging me tightly... I was shook I mean y/n is not a crybaby that she would cry easily ... But what happened that made her cry this much badly..... she cried more I tried to calm her after sometime she finally calmed down ...when I LOOKED at her she was sleeping with her Red puffy eyes  tears all over her face..I made my way to bed  taking her in bridal style placing her on bed gently  .. then ran out of room quietly closing the door I told everyone to come downstairs as I saw a gun in her room and I don't think she would keep hun with her while sleeping  ..  we all sat together when suddenly we heard a scream again' from upstairs .... I ran upstairs soo fast that the glass vase also got shattered by fallingby mistake  because of me but I didn't care about anything right now rather then my y/n when I reached to my room I saw ..

Total words - 619

Pls don't take this STORY seriously on your life it's far away from reality sorry if it's rude but it's truth and yes no character are really like this in real life ....

Guys at last one more thing plss ignore my grammar mistakes ... Because I hate my keyboard love you all!💜

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