chapter -15 ( LAST CHAPTER)

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Here iam getting ready for meeting my father iam actually very excited to meet him after soo Many years...but at the same time very nervous..and scared too...but it's okay ! I can do it !! ..,...After I was ready I went downstairs to see everyone seeting together on couch in living room as soon I went near them they all stand up together coming near me in group....Jimin said..

Jimin - y/n are you sure you wanna meet him ..?

Jin - y/n his whole life  spent on  finding you even became mafia for that. For killing you ,!! ..and you are going to him ! It's foolish !! You won't go...

Y/n - jin oppa listen I know he wants to kill me but I wanna clear the misunderstandings with him...even though I don't remember my memory
.. but one thing I always had with me it was given by mom she said when I will meet dad I should open it that time only...and ..iam sure she have written something which will make him forgive her...don't worry

Jhope - y/n what If he didn't budge to listen and kill you ?

Jimin - guys...I think we should let her go...she believes in her mom and I too ......I know he won't kill her after reading it and even if he try to.... kook won't let him... don't forget kook is going with her..

Y/n - thanks jimin oppa,.... yes guys!! Kookie will be with me so no tention ! Right? Now I should go it's getting late  ......

I opened my arms for hug everyone hugged me expect suga oppa I looked at him confused he looked at me with straight face ... With tears in his eyes....?

Suga - y/n I won't hug you because I know kookie will bring you safe with him...and if both didn't I won't let him live.....

I smiled brightly at him as I went near him and hugged him tightly.,..I will also miss you all if I won't get back and forgive me too then... as a tear slide down from my eyes...

Y/n - now...I will go but .. don't follow us please,....( I went near door slowly opening it as I looked one last time back waving my hand a little and went out closing the door..)

As I came out of house I went to the car I saw kook sitting at driver seat looking at front blanky I went to passenger seat sitting near him I took his hands in mine ...but he didn't look at me ...

Y/n - kook look at me ,... please

Jk - y/n let's just go...

He took his hand away from mine starting the engine it fells bad .... whole ride was silent as we both were in our own thaughts...after an hour the car stopped I was going to open the door when jk said .

Jk - wait don't get out now...

I frown while sitting back again on my seat he got out of car coming towards me opening the door...I smiled and got out ... As soon I got out my eyes went on the huge was beautiful...he held his hand in my not saying anything but walking to front door ....the door got opened by gaurds as we went inside my hurt was beating fast out of many soon we reached the living room seeing a. White hair man sitting on sofa reading newspaper I was ABLE to see his back...we went near the couch infront of him I was waiting for him to notice us but jk pulled me to sit near him...very close like he will loose me if I moved abit...jk cleared his throat for his attention as he didn't notice us till now ..he put the newspaper down on table looking at us but then at me with wide eyes....he got up from couch looking at me in shock....I can see his eyes started to fill with tears same as mine Because of  seeing Each other after so many years...jk pulled me more close to him if possible ....he sat down slowly still looking at me..he was gonna say but I said first....

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