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I was almost in my dress when my doorbell rang. I placed it on my bed and tied a robe on, wondering who it could be as I made my way to the front door, catching a glimpse of my made up face in the mirror.

I ruled Finn out. I hadn't seen him in days since the window incident and he informed me earlier today that he wouldn't be able to make it and a car would be sent to drive me to the venue instead.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by the disheveled sight of Ingrid. Her eyes were unsettled and glossed over, anxiety all too clear in them.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I'd been nervous all evening, mostly because this was another big social gathering I wasn't too keen on attending and I was already running late.

The look she gave me didn't help my nerves one bit. She blew past me, not sparing a word as she dumped her bag on my couch. When she the turned to me, it only took one look to figure out what was wrong.

In all the years I'd known Ingrid, I knew very few things got to her and she was hardly fazed by anything. She had the kind of cool I dreamt off.

But I'd witness one thing rattle her in sophomore year and I had a feeling it was the case now.

"I think I'm pregnant, Amy."

I froze on the spot. "What?"

She moved closer to me, not breaking eye contact. "My period is ten days late. And I've been seeing some symptoms. You know, like nausea."

"You've been using protection, right?"

She looked at me, pale eyed. Then she shook her head. "Yeah. But not... all the time."

"But you promised to be more careful after the last time!"

"I was careful!"

I stole a glance at the clock hung on the wall. I did not have spare time to deal with this. I had a driver waiting on me outside, my dress was laying idle and I already wanted to go to bed and call it a night.

"Well it doesn't look like you were now, does it?" I said to her dryly. "Have you gotten tested?"

I doubted she had. During the last pregnancy scare, she made me go with her to purchase the tests at a convenience store and sit with her through the process. For someone who was sexually active, she was a complete baby that night. She wasn't even sure who was at risk of being an accidental father and I sure as hell suspected she had no idea this time either.

That same night she revealed to me why she was so terrified of getting accidentally knocked up. Her mom had her older sister through that route and made it clear she would be thoroughly disappointed if that were to be their fate.

"I bought the tests on my way here." She grabbed her bag off the couch and held it up, as if to show proof.

Wordlessly I grabbed her hand, almost startled by the cold numbness of her fingers and pulled her in the direction of my room. I stopped only when we got into the bathroom and rummaged through her bag until I found the tests. I pulled one out and tore it open.

I was determined to get through all of this as quick as possible. The lectures could wait until after tonight.

"Pee on it," I said, holding it out to her. She stubbornly pulled her jeans down and crouched over the toilet. She slipped down her underwear and stuck the test in. After a while she brought it out.

"What does it read?" I asked. While she peered at it my phone buzzed from the vanity. I picked it up and saw Finn's name flash on the screen. I swiped it and brought it to my ear.

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