Chapter.8 Slight haunting for Fun

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3rd person PoV

It's been a few days since まふ/Izuku ran away to Vocaliod and his time there was good other than when he had to hide from being scene when police and some hero's checked the building for him he had to go invisible and use his powers to trick the police when the Vocaliods were questioned so they would stop trying to find him there

When they stopped まふ saw a old tale called kagome, kagome the tale was about a group of Germans from world war 2 who were trying to create immortality but they were never allowed to do these experiments in Germany so they did it in an orphanage in Shimane Japan

Their theory was that there was a universal kill switch in every living being which tell them when to die they thought that was the reason flys lived a week while other things lived longer

The caretakers at the orphanage agreed and the doctors started to get models of the caretakers and orphans's brains they got one of the caretakers and one of the orphans

They started their experiments and they started with the tallest girl in the orphanage they were too rough with the procedure and she died then they started being less rough and in 1943 they had a breakthrough a six year old girl survived the operation

However when she slept she was clinically dead

The German doctors brought some Russian doctors from project Venom which was zombification

They managed to revive the girl each time she died and the experiments continued

The Russians only agreed if they could use the girl in their research so they tried to create a prosthetic arm but they got to scared of something which was unknown and left before they could continue leaving the girl without an arm

After the Russian doctors were brought in they continued the experiments. They tried with different entities although the patients survived they were still unsuccessful one boy was left mentally retarded and without a forehead a girl was left with a mangled lower jaw and no tongue after they tried entry through the lower jaw and the last girl was left half dead after entry through the side of the head

There was a young girl who thought the experiments were not right and she destroyed there research and glassware but the doctors caught her and beheaded her with a blunt bayonet and she was thrown into the woods outback she had red hair and heterochromic eyes blue and brown

Eventually all but four doctors left having shown signs of insanity. There were 10 survivors both caretakers and orphans the head caretaker asked the doctors if they would play a game with them Kagome Kagome and 3 of the 4 doctors agreed the last doctors was horrified and fled from the building

The 3 doctors were never seen again...

When まふ saw this he had a perfect idea to get back at UA and to prove his innocence in one go he told the Vocaliods his plan and they agreed

After a week they got time off singing for a few days so they could go to where this orphanage is supposed to be at


When they got there they got in costumes to represent the dead children

When they got there they got in costumes to represent the dead children

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