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"The League of Villains have carried out another minor attack after their assault on the USJ training grounds..."

You huffed out a laugh, turning off the television and standing up with your dirty dishes. As you walked into the kitchen, you grew angrier. The league had been causing trouble all over the city recently, the ringleader talking about wanting to defeat All Might. It's not that you were all high and mighty, being an underground villain yourself, but the way the group were going about their mission was frankly embarrassing. 

A sigh escaped your mouth as you placed plates into the sink, thinking about how bad this "league" were making themselves look. As you finished washing your plate, a knock sounded on the front door. You froze for a second, before realising who it would be. Turning off the faucet, you walked to the door and swung it open, met with Dabi leaning against the frame.

"Took you long enough, sweetheart." He said, stepping past you and walking over to your couch. You shut the door behind him, walking over to your bedroom to change clothes. 

"Sorry, I just finished eating dinner. Are we going to the usual spot?" You called out, pulling a black sweater over your head to match your black jeans. Walking back outside, you pulled your purple hair half up, standing behind where Dabi sat. He leaned his head back, looking up at you.

"Actually, I was thinking we could go somewhere else tonight. I want to meet up with some people," The corner of his mouth tugged upwards and his nose twitched slightly, making you squint as you looked down at him. He was hiding something. "I know you aren't their biggest fan, but I was thinking we could go and meet the leader of the league-"


He stood up, walking around the couch and grabbing your wrists. "Please? Just to see what he says. I'm getting bored of it being just us." He smirked, flicking your forehead. 

You and Dabi had been spending your nights together for a few months now, hanging out on rooftops and getting involved in skirmishes. He usually instigated things, getting involved in petty arguments while you would rather be involved in plans with a bigger picture. Other villains had begun to recognise you as a pair, knowing when they saw one the other wasn't far behind. You saw him as a brother, second to your biological one of course.

"I'll go, but I can't say I'll listen. And you're getting me food afterwards." You muttered, walking to the door and pulling on a pair of thick soled black boots. Dabi punched your shoulder, opening the door and walking out first.

You grabbed your phone, shoving it into your pocket along with your key. Walking out into your sketchy neighbourhood, Dabi walked closely next to you, a hand hovering over the small of your back until you got to more populated streets. He knew you could handle yourself, and trusted you to win physical fights, he just didn't trust the men on these streets. 

Once you reached busier main streets, you put on a black mask as Dabi did the same and pulled his hood up. With the bottom half of your faces covered, you placed your hand in his and began walking confidently, acting like another young couple out for the night. After a little while, he tugged you down an alley, and you began to work your way back onto deserted roads. 

Eventually, you reached an abandoned bar. You let out a heavy sigh, pulling off your mask and standing behind Dabi as he reached up and knocked on the door with a fist.

"Lighten up, sweetheart. We won't be that long." He teased, pulling on a strand of your hair as the door cracked open. The "man" you had seen pictures of on the news stood behind it, although you didn't know if you could call him a man. Seeing as he was literally shadows in a suit. 

"Can I help you?" He spoke, only looking at Dabi.

"Yeah, we're here to talk to you about our lord and saviour!" Dabi said, his face splitting into a wide grin as you elbowed him in the side. You stepped forwards, pushing him out of the way before the door could be slammed in your face.

"Ignore him, we're here to talk to your little leader." You sighed, annoyed with the fact you had to talk. The man nodded, pulling the door wider and ushering you both in. The inside of the bar was empty apart from the three of you, and you scrunched your nose up at the dusty air as you were ushered to sit down. You stayed standing as Dabi sat, spreading himself out on the old couch.

"I'm Kurogiri. I'll go and get Shigaraki now." 

You both remained silent even when you were alone in the room, the only sound for the duration being you smacking Dabi on the back of the head from your spot behind him. He smirked up at you, winking as Kurogiri reentered the room with someone else. 

The other man you had seen on the news followed behind him, with his mask on and his hand raised to his neck. You scoffed slightly; you had been hoping he would at least be a little more impressive in person. He sat down on the couch opposite you both, placing his right ankle on his left knee and leaning back with his arms across his chest. 

All of you sat in silence for a few minutes, everyone refusing to have the first word. You knew that Dabi wouldn't give in, and you weren't planning on letting another word leave your mouth. 

"I know who you two are. Heard a lot about you. A friend of mine calls you Sparky and Spooky." He spoke, his grating voice piercing your ears. You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms and rolling your eyes. His one exposed eye flicked to you, looking you up and down coldly. "I'm Shigaraki. Why are you here?"

Dabi leaned forwards, placing his forearms on his legs. You stayed with your arms crossed, frowning when Shigaraki refused to look away from you. Squinting, you walked away, taking a seat at the bar. His gaze didn't follow, and you let out a breath.

"Well, Spooky over there doesn't really like you guys. Thinks you're messing everything up." Dabi said, tilting his head in your direction. You rolled your eyes at the nickname; he wasn't going to let you live that one down. "Personally, I'm a little interested in joining you. God knows you need it after all your little friends got caught at the USJ attack."

Shigaraki stayed quiet, scratching at his neck as he looked at Dabi. You tapped your fingernails on the bar's surface, absentmindedly playing with a strand of your hair as you stared at a random spot in the room. It's not that you thought they were messing everything up, just most of it. Their mission was personal and their execution was sloppy. Shigaraki's quirk was insanely powerful, and you hated seeing him put it to waste. 

Suddenly, you were ripped out of your thinking as a hand grabbed your chin, yanking your head to the side. Shigaraki was standing there, his one eye looking at you, gripping 4 of his fingers into your jaw. You looked at him in shock, eyes flicking to Dabi momentarily as he rose from his seat on the couch.

"Think I'm messing everything up huh?" He spat, fingers digging further into your face, his raised middle finger edging closer. "I'm more powerful than you will ever be. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about." 

You quickly wrapped a hand around his forearm, locking eyes with him and activating your quirk. You kept eye contact as his eyes glazed over. 

"Let me go." You stated, breathing out as his hand dropped from your face. He stood there with his arms limp at his sides, watching you as you circled him and walked over to Dabi. Kurogiri rushed over , standing between the two of you.

"What did you do to him?" He asked, looking between you and Dabi. Dabi simply smiled at him, placing a hand on your shoulder. 

"Control your dog next time, Kurogiri." He spat, ushering you out of the building and slamming the door behind you. Once you were far enough away, you dropped your control over Shigaraki.

Pulling your masks back on, you and Dabi slipped back onto the busy streets, his hand wrapping around your waist.

"You definitely owe me food now, Sparky."

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