Chapter 3: Jacobs thoughts

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- Jacobs POV-
I feel bad for leaving Bella like that but I just had to go with Mackenzie. She already thinks I like Bella. And if I skipped our date I am scared what she would do. She's that kind of girl who will get revenge. I mean ya I like Mackenzie and all but having spent 3 years with her I know every face of hers. I know Bella better and she is nice and isn't some wicked witch like Mackenzie. I really hope Bella isn't mad at me for just leaving her there like that. I should have just stayed there. I enjoy hanging out and talking with Bella a lot more than I do Mackenzie but like I said she'd the mean girl at the school. I'm on my way to pick up Mackenzie so we can go watch the wedding ringer . I'm not really into sappy stuff so I don't know what I'm getting myself into. Honestly I don't think I want to be with Mackenzie anymore.

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