Talent Show (edited)

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Izuku's P.O.V.

It was a normal Saturday morning me and the girls were at the mall and we saw a poster for a talent show so I signed up for it.

Nobody's P.O.V.

First to go up was Mina she did a small dance.

The crowd liked her skills even earned a few whistles from the boys but gave Izuku a death glare when he kissed her cheek causing her to blush but at the same time she liked it. Then there was a five minute break before Izuku went upon stage to show his talent. (Basically Nezu, Toru and his girlfriends bullied him to sign up and now he has no choice but to do it).

5mins before Izuku's turn.

Right before it was Izuku's turn he was just finishing the touches to his song he planned on singing then he got called up. "Now we have class 1-A's cinnamon roll Izuku Midoriya" Midnight said. "Hi I'm Izuku and this song I wrote is important to me and so you know the people who came with me well this is for them" Izuku said. Little did he know a certain blonde was watching from the middle. "Anyway this song is called One thing right I hope you like it" I said.

The crowd loved it they asked for an encore then Tsu got an idea and came upon stage with me and started playing the beat I made on her laptop we used when she found out I could sing. (Just after the USJ incident). Of course I kissed her cheek.

"May I?" I asked the host they said yes.

The crowd went wild at how well the song went then it was Himiko's turn she ended up singing as well. She chose the song sweet but psycho.

After that I kissed her cheek and then Kyoka did a solo which went quite well to be honest she sung heart attack.

When it was over I kissed her cheek and when she won which was obvious from the start she asked for her prize which was for me to do one thing when we get back to the dorm.

Time skip

After we got back she asked me to rap so I did.

She was happy thay I granted her wish. After that we all *me, my girlfriends and Himiko* just studied, trained then cuddled together while we watched movies until curfew.

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