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|Narrator's Pov|

Oikawa was in his room, sitting on his bed, crying and overthinking.
He was alone at home and his room was quite small, white walls, some bookshelf.
Near him there was his corner desk, where he does his homework. Near his bed there was a bedside table where he put his headphones, his phone and a book.
He looks over the window past his desk and sighs.
And after a long pause he turns back his eyes on his bed and says: "...I want to end it all." , after another pause he continue talking to himself: "..The way I feel is to much for me..-" Another pause of silence. "-When all I got is these four walls, It's not that hard to feel so small...-" Says while getting up of his bed and going to the window. "-Or even exist at all..." This time his talking got stopped by a sound. It came from his phone.


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