Chapter 19

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"You get what you work for."

Sebastian's POV

We arrived at our house in the afternoon and then went to dinner with my family.

It has been a while since I have last seen them since ruling takes up most of my time.

It was honestly an amazing night.

Alice, Theo, and I attended and we ate and talked about our goals.

One happy family.

When we got home from Amelia's castle, Alice went on and on talking about her.

She said she was inexperienced and needed to learn more.

I get that Alice is more experience in ruling but I mean it is not her land.

Alice said she has no problem with Amelia. She just says she doesn't like her either.

Whatever that means.

"You know Sebastian I can't get over that girl Diana. She was extremely pretty."- Theo

"Well, I suggest you change your ways if you want to try anything with her."

"That's what I am thinking about. Is it worth it for a girl?"- Theo

"I know why you shut your heart away but that was years ago. Let go of the past."

"That is easy for you to say. But some things can never be let go even if you try the hardest you can't."- Theo

I guess I never really thought about why Theo never opens his heart up. I know what happened but I always believed that when the time came he would let it go and get over it.

I guess he never will.

When we were young Theo had a girl best friend. I guess he always had some sort of crush on her but didn't want to ruin the friendship.

They were getting pretty close.

But then one day it all just stopped.

I am not even sure why they stopped talking.

I know she did something to him.

But he never wanted to tell me.

And I know is that it's still haunting him for not letting her go.

But maybe Diana can help him let her go.

I wish.

"Your majesty a letter has been sent to you from Queen Amelia."

As I was about to take the card Alice snatches it away.

This woman is going to be the death of me.

"What does it say."- S

Dear Sebastian,

I know we just saw each other yesterday however I need your help with something.

I want to change the expectations for ruling.

Well, more specifically I want to change the way women shall rule.

You know how women need a man by their side to rule.

Even if it does not affect those who are widowed it still affects the majority of us.

I want to change that.

And I was hoping you and Alice would help me in accomplishing this goal.

I am still unsure about how to approach this goal. This is why I am seeking your help. I know Alice has many strengths that benefit her and I was hoping she can help me.

I hope both of you are willing to help me.

Queen Amelia Morris.

"She does have a point I am very intelligent."

"What do you want to do. Are you willing to help her?"

"Honestly I would say I am not sure. I do like her point. Women are seen as inferior to men which is something I have always hated when being involved in royalty. But I am not even sure how to approach this goal. No one in a hundred years has ever been able to change the rule of  ruling. What is so different now? No one is willing to just change the rules."

"I agree with you, Alice. This is going to be very hard to accomplish. But I feel like I owe it to her."

"I completely understand why you would help. And I have no right to stop you either. But I am not sure how I am obligated to help."

"You in no way are obligated, Alice. But I feel like you will be a good source in accomplishing it."

"You know what this means right, Sebastian."

"Yes, I know if the measure gets extreme we might go to war."

"Yes, and I am not sure I want that for our people. Things have just started to get better. I mean I understand that in a way I was the chaos but you know why I had to do it. And I wouldn't have done anything differently. But do you think people are willing to go through that again?"

"I am not sure if they are willing. But it won't hurt to ask."


"Yes, your majesty."

"Send a message to the kingdom that we will be having an announcement in 30 minutes at The INN."

Yes, your majesty right away."

Well, now we just have to see how many people are willing to help.


"Hello, villagers Alice and I have gathered you all today because we received a message from the Kingdom of Ice. Queen Amelia has contacted us because she has a plan in mind. She wants to change the rules of ruling. As most of you know a woman needs to rule with a man. However, she wants to change that. She wants no woman to have to depend on a man. I am here to ask if you are all willing to help. Of course, we would have to go to the board in a nonviolent manner. However, if it goes to extreme measures we might have to fight. This will only happen if you are willing to help. We ask if you all can raise your hand if you agree to help Queen Amelia. We do not want to force anyone. This will be voluntary."

I was impressed by how many hands went up.

"It is settled then. We will help Queen Amelia achieve her goal. Thank you for your time."

I just hope that all goes well.

It has to.

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