Wheres the receipt.

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Okay, I got this Idea from @klanceforeverrr again. This time Keith is bottom, so I switched it up a bit. So here it is, it is Keith's Birthday, so Lance decides to tie himself up into a "nice" present. When Keith comes home he asks where the receipt is, but Lance still gets him.

Lance's POV:
It's a little cold, Keith must be gone andddddd yup. Keith left for work perfect, so here comes the best birthday I can give him. I sit up and look at the alarm clock, okay, it's 8:36 perfect. I get up and go to the kitchen to make myself breakfast.

No one's POV: 
Lance goes to the kitchen and grabs the pan and sets it on the stove and just makes himself some eggs for breakfast that morning. When he finishes he goes back to his room and gets ready, he goes to the gym after that. He does his workout. To warm up he does some quick pushups and squats. He then goes to mess around with some weights, and does that for a good thirty minutes. He then goes on a treadmill (sorry, I forgot to mention before. This is a buff boi Lance.) for another half hour. He does some reps. And then leaves, he goes home to have a messy house.

Lance's POV:
Shit, right. We had everyone over last night, I forgot that. The house is such a mess, the kitchen is trashed with beer bottles, the living room has blankets all over. Bathrooms need to be washed, the bedroom is messy with clothes. I have my work cut out for me. Keith you better appreciate this.

Keith' POV:
"Thank you for coming!" Great of course Adam makes me work on my birthday. It is his cafe after all. I work at the Lions cafe, it's a small cafe that Adam and Shiro made a little hobby and fun project for them. Of course I got sucked into after Adam basically begged for hours for me to work as a waiter. He lets me wear my leggings thankfully, but of course I have to wear a white button up, and a little waist pouch thing.

"Keith! SIX A-CLOCK!" I turn 180 towards the door, to see a very tired looking man. Walking in the door, he looks to be about 20-30. I put on a smile, as I fix my pony tail, and walk over to the man

"Hi sir, welcome to the Lion's cafe. How can I help you?" He looks at me and looks disgusted. He looks me up and down, and I let my eye twitch really quick before he looks at my face again. A daily occurrence my mullet, my femine body, and my face with a bit of make up to just look nice. Literally just a bit of foundation, some contour, and I fixed my eyebrows.

"They don't have a specific dress code here? Or at least a standard you have to be?" He was a bit annoyed. I could tell by how he said it. I was pissed. I hate people who come in and just instantly either insult me, or ask for a different waiter, little do they know, I am the only one who works this shift. Pidge and Hunk work the other shift. Shiro and Adam are always here, Shiro cooks with Adam, and Adam was given the Manager position.

"They do sir. But I do happen to be following that code, otherwise they would either send me home or get me to change my looks, is there anything else I can he-"

"I want another waiter please." That jackass cut me off, I stared off right past him while my eye twitched, I turned to look dead at Adam and gave him The look. He knows what it means. He nods, I sigh and prepare to put him in his place as nice as I can.

"Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we do not have another waiter working this shift, I actually am the only one who works this shift. If you would like to speak to a manager, I will gladly get him for you, but he will tell you the exact same thing," I smile so much and close my eyes. Adam sighs, "now either order, complain to my manager and then get out when you are disappointed or get out now." I open my eyes and smile.

"Manger now!" Yup he is pissed, I smile even more, as I walk off to get Adam, I look at him and drop the smile. He nods, sighs and walks to the man. "You are the manager?!" Adam continues to nod. "I want another waiter or that one to look more presentable, he should not be wearing makeup, or have such hair! And what is with his body?!" I look at my watch and realize it is 11:30. Almost lunch.

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