The Worry

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=~=~=~=~=~Rob's POV=~=~=~=~=~

Preston and I drove to the hospital as fast as we could. I almost crashed a few times. I told Preston my dad had caught lung cancer.Right before his birthday too. I'm so worried just as things were happy the happy moments disappeared almost instantly. We parked the car and I exited almost forgetting my keys. I asked the attendant what room my dad was in. The attendant said "room 219." I raced up there with Preston hot on my trail just like the lava mob he is. I asked the doctor if I could see my dad. The doctor said he was asleep but if I was quiet I could see him. I walked in the room after promising to be quiet. I wasn't prepared to see my dad in a hospital bed.

=~=~=~=~=Preston's POV=~=~=~=~=

I walked in the room after giving Rob a moment with his dad. What I saw broke my heart. I saw Rob with his face in his hands quietly crying over his dad. I almost broke out in tears just seeing this. I stayed strong for Rob though. I went next to Rob and gave a comforting hug. This was the perfect time to show I was with him full throttle. I love him and I wasn't going to lose him anytime soon.

Sorry it's short but I think of these on the fly and I am trying to make it as interesting as I can with the days being shorter I have to summarize them to make more. THX SO MUCH FOR ALMOST 100 VIEWS THIS IS HUGE FOR ME SINCE I STARTED YESTERDAY!!!!!


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