//heart out//

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"Get the hell out of my class, boy!" a teacher pushed a wet curly-haired boy out of the door and slammed it shut. The boy chuckled with a towel hanging loosely around his waist, barely covering his hip bones. He took another drag of his cigarette and it fell to the ground, and proceeded to stomp on it with his bare foot. Kurt looked up from his desk and stared straight out of the window where he could see a half naked boy with his back facing the window. He recognized the frizzy hair but couldn't remember where he's seen it before. He looked down at the paper in front of him and closed his eyes trying to do the problem in his head but failing. A tapping noise filled the classroom and all of the students looked up towards the window where a very wet, shirtless boy scanned the room from the window and found Kurt. He winked. Kurt smiled to himself.

Sunlight escaped Kurt's bedroom window. From there he could see everything in the city, from the trees to the pointed tops of churches. He looked at the alarm beside his bed and yawned, propped himself up and stretched his arms wide. The mornings were always peaceful to him, it was silent and warm, he took off his shirt and reached in his closet for a different one. It was a dark red sweater with white designs on the front of it. He slid on his tight skinny jeans, a matching color, and tied his boots.

The peacefulness died down once he stepped inside his first period class, a basketball was being dribbled in the back of the room and kids were talking all at the same time. Kurt closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying not to get a panic attack. He breathed out and sighed again, all of a sudden two hands were on his waist from behind him and he turned around quick, shocked. "Move, babe." a boy wearing a heavy leather jacket smirked and moved Kurt to the side by his waist. Kurt felt chills come up and down his arms and he looked down, smiling. "babe"

"Anderson, what are you doing in my class?" The teacher looked up from her seat, tipping her glasses down to look at him. He took off his backpack and slammed it on her desk and chuckled.

"You're stuck with me for the rest of the term," he replied, steering his gaze to the small boy behind him.

Kurt stayed standing at the opening of the door entrance, still looking down and rubbing his hands together awkwardly. The other boy smiled shyly and turned back towards the teacher.

"My other english teacher kicked me out, I'm afraid." he sarcastically continued and sat on top of one of the front desks, pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He lifted a lighter out of his right jacket pocket and lit the cigarette, taking a long drag before puffing the smoke out in front of the teachers face.

"Blaine Anderson, you will put that out immediately!" she stood up angrily and slammed her hands on the desk. Kurt widened his mouth in a silent gasp and looked at the gorgeous boy on the desk. He could smell his musky scent from the place he was at and felt chills every time he breathed it in. "Go to the office, now!" she motioned for Blaine to away and he grabbed his backpack from off the desk. Kurt waved to the boy passing by him and smiled, the other boy grabbed his hand and pulled him with him.

"God you're sexy." the dark haired boy whispered in Kurt's ear as both of his hands stayed by the sides of his hips leaning against him on the lockers. Kurt blushed and stared straight into Blaine's eyes for a second before looking down.

"I- I should get to class, sorry for getting in your way." Kurt tried to move his hands away from his sides to get to his class but the other boy remained holding him down. Blaine took a step back and admired Kurt's tight jeans, then raised his attention to his lips. Kurt could feel the burning in his cheeks and looked at the dark curls that were hanging down from the boy in front of his face. He really wanted Blaine to put his hands close to his hips again.

"Babe, why are you so shy?" he came up close to Kurt's face and took a short drag of his cigarette, blowing the smoke away from his face and looking back into his eyes. Kurt could feel his hands start shaking and he ran off to his class, feeling the insistent blush through out class. Blaine watched him run off and he smiled to himself. Blaine went to his locker and pulled out his backpack, then walked out of school.

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