//an encounter//

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It was dark in Blaines room, even in the daytime. The windows were boarded up and the door had a broken lock. He lived in a downtown apartment alone, and woke up to complete gloom and obscurity. His father had been in jail since Blaine was born and died when he started going to high school. His mom left when he was three years old, and hasn't heard from her since. He sat up out of his bed and pulled on the boots laid at the end of the mattress. He walked to the mirror and traced his bruise with his finger. He hated the way he looked, especially all bruised.

A truck swerved and dragged the tire, making a loud sound. "You worthless fuck!" Two boys yelled out of the truck as a boy smoking a cigarette was crossing the street to his apartment. The boy looked over as they turned and parked the car right next to him, all jumping out with baseball bats. "You thought we would leave you alone just because you switched schools?" One of the boys chuckled sarcastically and taunted the boy in front of him. The boy stood there, terrified but trying not to show his fear and laughed along.

"You assholes seriously have nothing better to do than get your ass kicked by me? How about you get back into your dirty hick truck and drive off to Alabama, where they do support marrying your cousin. Get the fuck out of my face." He blew his smoke into their face and watched as they lifted their baseball bats and the closest one swung hard into his face, knocking him down.

Blaine liked the way Kurt always smiled at him. It made his heart flutter, though he didn't want to admit it. He didn't know why he felt the need to protect Kurt, maybe it's because he doesn't want him to get bullied like he did.

Kurt sat in his bed, listening to music and ignoring the world. "Freak."
"I was right, blaine doesn't care about me." Kurt closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep. He could hear a loud motorcycle from outside of his window and he covered his ears with the pillow beneath him. A few honks escaped from Kurts ears and he groaned in frustration. He parted the window shades and noticed a short boy wearing a leather jacket leaning on a motorcycle, and honking the motorcycle one last time. Kurt widened his eyes and pulled on a cardigan, then walked down his stairs to open the door. "H-Hi, Blaine." he waved at the boy in front of him with a wide smile.

"Get back inside, now." there was a slight wind outside and it made Kurt shiver a little. Blaine folded his arms and looked from left to right up the street and sidewalk.

"What? But- But why?" he was standing still at the door and Blaine was in the parking lot across him. Kurt was surprised that he was there and lifted his eyebrows in confusion.

"Some assholes have been coming up and down in a truck on your street, I'm making sure they don't touch you, get inside." Kurt walked up to Blaine and continued to look into his hazel eyes.

"Why are you helping me? You-You keep on-" Blaine put both his hands on Kurts waist and pulled him closer to his body. The shy boy blushed very deeply and Blaine half smiled.

"I don't want anyone to hurt you, Kurt."

"Oh." Kurt nodded his head in fake understanding and then added, "But why?"

Blaine groaned and replied in a demanding voice.
"Get inside, please"

Kurts face was an inch away from Blaines and all he could do was look at his perfectly contoured nose and chin, his eyes sparkling in the dim outside light. Blaine stared at Kurts lips, then removed his hands from his hips, taking a step away from the pale boy in front of him.

Kurt turned around and walked back up and smiled at Blaine before closing the door.

The next morning, Kurt jumped out of his bed still half asleep and checked outside his window to see if a certain curly-haired boy was still there. He dropped his head in disappointment and started getting dressed. ''Kurt! Get down here, now!" he heard his dad call from downstairs.

Kurt raced down the stairs, still putting the right sleeve of his jacket on his arm. "Why was a boy with piercings practically guarding our house last night?" his dad folded his arms and waited for the young boys response.

"I dont know..." he whispered and shrugged.

"What does he want with you?"

"I dont know dad! He just started helping me and he showed up last night and he wouldn't tell me why he was there!" Kurts voice went higher and he grabbed a binder from a bookshelf next to his father.

"Just don't get into trouble with that boy, hear me? Just lookin' out for ya' kid." He pat his son on the back then walked back upstairs to finish what he was working on.

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