STOP HIM (part 1)

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I'm going on vaycay soon and as usual I haven't updated in like FOREVER! So anyways this fanfic might as well be ending soon, or maybe it will be continuing we will never know!! And idk if I said this already but thank you for the 6 k views and I think 50 votes?? Well, I hope you enjoy and I will see you in the next part!

Random thing for the fic: LIFE IS STRANGE NEW GAME!!!!! It's those kinda interactive games where your gameplay influences on your choices. And it seems soooooo awesome!

Here's some music too! Gotta TOVE LO (Get it?? Tove, Love)

Song: Stranger (radio remix)


Gray's POV

Of course the guy I had to bump into was of course, Lyon. He turned to face me his grin widening, but not in a happy cute way... More like the creepy ones that Jeff (creepypasta) and the Joker (Batman DUH) has. It sent chills down my spine!

"Uhhh, hey Lyon... Long time no see." I sputtered.

"Well , well ,well, what do we have with us here?" Lyon cackled. And a second after that Jellal had to join the little scene.

"We know you were listening to our little conversation a few minutes ago. And to be fair, we don't even care!" Lyon continued.

"You're obviously going to get expelled anyways." Jellal finished.

I gulped in fear, Lyon can be really persistent when there is something he wants and Jellal, is just Jellal. I backed up slowly in case they would throw out some ice out of their hands or something like that. Because Lyon, Lyon is as cold as Antarctica in a blizzard with hail raining down from the sky.

The guys kept of moving closer and closer. I started to panic; what if they really expel me? Erza would freak! I would lose most of my friends. Anger hinged over me and I was in the mood for some dancing too... (Weird...) Good thing I have backup clothes on me. So I stripped down to a sparkling ice blue jumpsuit and moon walked my way out of this horrible scene.

 I moonwalked to Natsu who was to busy with his fried chicken to notice anything around him. WITH HIS UNWASHED URINAL HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!

"EW DUDE! After you just took a shit too!" I groaned. 

Natsu scowled at me and continued to eat his fried chicken.

"You're just jealous because you don't have your bae with you... And where's your shirt?"

I looked down to find my silver necklace as my only piece of clothing that I have. I nervously looked around the lunchroom and ending up not finding any of my clothes at all.

"Relax dude, I still have my vest. Here. And you have to wear it." Natsu threw his vest that practically covered nothing of his chest.

I have to wear this I thought. Life sure is great.

I can hear the school laughing at me right now. great, now I feel like Aladdin because I need to steal some bread today.I also apparently threw my wallet somewhere.

The lunch seemed to go pretty smoothly, except for Natsu laughing in my face about how ridiculous I look in it. Then I heard someone snicker,

"Gray? HAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHA!!!! You look ridiculous!"


Erza's POV

I went to see Gray and have a nice friendly conversation with him but I never expected this at all!

"Gray? HAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHA!!!! You look riduculous!"  I snorted.

Him in Natsu's vest , practically shirtless, really brought a smile to my face. I was going to laugh at him at his face for hours on end. But the wind was blowing and Gray turned into a cardboard figure. I spotted him making a run for it on the run.

"I NEED TO SEE THIS!!!!!!" I yelled putting on my camera headband.

                                                   Thinking with Erza Scarlet

I felt like Jellal and Lyon were acting ominous today, though and they give this weird aura. It's like the  "I'm going to kill you haha 360 no scope rpgs for the win so anyways I'll kill you" aura. It's creepy! I wonder why Gray is so scared to show me Natsu's vest... Actually I take that back, I'll probably kill myself if I was in that situation. OH! I feel like Natsu is finally getting Lucy hints, and flirting with him too. I need to mainly think about Gray and me. I kind of like him... And I like him A LOT. HOWEVER, I don't want to hurt Juvia, She's a great person and all and I don't want a boy to ruin our beautiful friendship. Although I'll need to confess to him anyways, but we have an awesome friendship... But what if I my feelings for Jellal return? What if- What if- What if- What if- What if- What if- What if- What if I turn into a human Gps because I really sound like one...

After finishing  my useless thought session I seemed to catch up with him. To add bonus points he got stuck on a pole. I grabbed him by shorts and helped him down. Good thing I'm stronger than him!

"Well, since you're here anyways I need to tell you something really important if you care about me," Gray started and explained the whole situation  detail by detail.

"OHMYGOSH! Seriously? Well, time to use my swordsman skill to the test." I evilly grinned.

"Oh, I don't think death will be part of this plan..." Gray mumbled.


Yep! The end of the chappie! This Stop Them scenario is probably going to be  a  3 part chappie thingie. And since I'm on vaycay I might be able to update more quickly.

I'm also making another book. I'm really excited for it but keep in mind that this isn't anime related. It's more like create a situation from a drawing. Like draw 5 people talking, then create a situation for them and stuff.

Well, I hope you enjoyed and I will see you in the next part!!!!!!!

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