~New Student Prodigy Imagine~

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*Imagine~One day you was in class bored to death. All a sudden your teacher announces that there's a new student. The boy was wearing shades & a hoodie so you couldn't really see his entire face. They make you show them around. You was irritated & just wanted to go home. Everytime he tried to talk to you, you was rude & rolled your eyes. When class finally dismissed, you rushed to your locker. Since you're not a real bad person you decided to go & apologize to the guy. You looked everywhere for him. He was no where to be found. You spotted your best friend Ashley & asked her did he go home yet. She said she just seen him go into the music class. As u approached the room, you heard a familiar & amazing voice coming from it. You creeped in the room to find him singing future by MB, while playing the piano. You knew all the lyrics since you're MB's #1 fan. You began humming along. He eventually heard you & turned around. He smiled & you blushed.

You: You have an amazing voice.

Him: Thank You.

You: I just came to tell you sorry for being rude. I was just having a bad day I guess.

Him: It's cool. I can never stay mad at a beautiful girl.

You: *blushed* So u think I'm beautiful huh? *walks over & sits next to him*

Him: Of course

Y'all lean in at the same time till you felt his soft lips dancing in rhythm with yours. You both pulled away. You barely knew this guy, but it felt like y'all were made for eachother. You was still curious to see his full face.

Him: Can I trust you with something?

You: of course.

Him: Okay. Are u fan of that group Mindless Behavior?

You: *lil confused* yea. I'm head over heals in love with Prodigy. Like I would die just meeting him! But why ask?

Him: Because....*pulls off his hoodie & shades* I'm him.

You was just sitting there in shock. Not sure what to do or say. Then eventually words came out.

You: what are u doing here? In this school?

Prod: Well. I kinda missed going to public school. So Walter said if I stay quiet & disguise myself he'll let me go. & I figured I'll be able to find my #1 easier. & now I'm here.

You: Oh wow. Do u think you'll find her?

Him: I just have. & I can't believe I'm finally talking to her.

You: Aww really?

Him: Yea. Will you be my #1 girl?


Y'all lean in & lock lips.

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