Home For Christmas (Moesashi N.)

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It was that time of year again. Carols, twinkle lights, snow, the whole package. It was enough to stun even the old-timers who had lived in Musutafu all their life.

But not Moesashi. It happened last year and it was happening again. It was Christmas eve, and the dorms were twice as lively as normal. 1-A had really gone all out this year. There was a large tree in the main common room, decorated in red, gold and green bulbs and wrapped in twinkle lights. The rest of the dorm was covered floor to ceiling in tinsel and someone had even put up mistletoe in the kitchen doorway. Everyone suspected it was Mineta's doing, as he camped the door occasionally to try and catch one of the girls under it. 

The students were currently playing a strange game of charades Uraraka had suggested. Kirishima stood before everyone and began acting out the movie "Jaws" while Moesashi stood at the back near the kitchen.

"Hey, Neko, you look a bit thirsty. How about some fresh hot chocolate?" Mineta grinned, gesturing towards the kitchen.

"Not in the mood," she sighed. She then walked over to Bakugou, who was sitting at the far end of the couch drinking apple cider.

"Hey Moe. Having fun?" the explosive blond asked.

"I can't get her off my mind."

Bakugou turned to her with a low sigh. "Akira?" Moesashi nodded. "You shouldn't be thinking about her. Enjoy yourself. We only do this once a year."

"You only do this once a year. We celebrate birthdays all the time," Moe corrected him dully.

"Same difference." The cat girl looked away with a frown. "Look, the point is the holidays are a time for family and all that sappy shit. And I know you. You're really sappy."

"Family, huh?" Moe chuckled. "Family...." She widened her hazel eyes.

"Moe, I know that look."

"I'm gonna go see them."

"No, Moe!" he shouted, drawing the attention of his classmates.

But it was too late. By the time Bakugou had gotten himself off the couch, Moesashi had already donned her jacket and sped her way out the door. "Where is she going?" Kaminari asked.


Moesashi hopped on a train and rode all the way to Yokohama city. It was a long ride, so it was half past midnight when she arrived at the station. From there she trekked down the streets to that little bar wedged between two shabby apartments in a back alley. When Moe finally reached the League's hideout, she breathed a sigh of relief upon the sight of a warm glow peeking through the blinds to the bar.

"Hello?" She called, lifting open the window and climbing inside the bar with utmost care.

Heavy footsteps thudded down the hallway before a low and gravelly voice exclaimed, "Who's there?"

"Dabi," Moesashi smiled upon seeing the black-haired man.

"Moe? What're-" His sentence was cut short by the fiery-haired girl engulfing him in a hug. "Moe, it's fucking Christmas eve. What the hell are you doing here?"

"I- I missed you guys," She mumbled.

"Ya'know, Toga would've killed you the second she saw you. You're lucky she went to bed two hours ago. Speaking of which, it's one-thirty in the fucking morning, Moesashi. Aren't you not supposed to leave the school or some shit?"

"Quit whining, you big baby. I just wanted to say hi to my parents and Tomura and you."

"You don't know?" He asked, surprised.

"Know what?" she questioned, apprehensive about his answer.

"They moved to Hosu. The feds were catching on to them and they didn't want to endanger the league," Dabi explained guiltily. "They left two months ago."

Moesashi stood silently, just staring into the dead air. She'd missed them? Why hadn't they called?

"Look Moe, I'm real-"

"No, don't apologize." She retorted halfheartedly. "I-I gotta go. M-Merry Christmas."

"Bye Moe."


As the train Moesashi was on came to a rolling stop, the doors open and she was met with Mr. Aizawa, her own homeroom teacher. "Neko, are you alright?"

"Yes sir, I'm fine," she answered automatically.

"You know you broke a school rule horribly, right?"

"Yeah," she responded. "I'm prepared to face the consequences for my actions."

Aizawa stood and looked at the melancholy cat-girl for a minute. Then he sighed heavily. "Detention for the first week back to school. Now go get some sleep."

"Yes sir." Moesashi and her teacher walked back to the dorms.

This Christmas in Musutafu was interesting, to say the least.

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