A shadow, one's true self

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Face thy true self, accept it for what it is... A shadow is the dark refection of one's true desires and inner voice... To accept one's true self is the way to access the power of Persona... Reach out and claim the truth and awaken thy power
No one's pov

Y/N was lying awake in his and Narukami's room, well Narukami slept... Y/N was thinking about any kind of plan he could use to brake the information to Narukami-san, Chie and Youske without them freaking out.

Y/N thoughts: I've made up my mind, today when we enter the TV world I'll tell everyone there about me, and everyone else that comes along in the investigation team... Of course it has holes but... It's the best that I can think of, hiding it would only get in the way, and make everyone hate me if I hid such valuable information. I guess it won't be the most outlandish thing to them considering that they'll be inside of a TV and meeting a giant living bear costume.

4/13/2011 (The next day of school)

Yu and Y/N had gotten dressed in their school universe's and walked Nanako to school. Well walking Youske was of course ridding to fast and crashed getting stuck in a trash can and he was rolling around.

Youske: S-someone...

Yu: Is he okay?...

Y/N: Feel like helping him today?

Yu: ... Yeah that seems like the right thing to do.

Yu helped Youske out of the trash can

Yu: Hey, Youske right? Are you okay, that looked like it hurt.

Youske: Yeah... Whew, you saved me, Thanks! Umm...

Yu: I'm Yu Narukami, nice to officially meet you.

Youske: oh yeah, that's right, you're that transfer student. Y/N's cousin right? I'm Youske Hanamura, Nice to meet ya.

Yu: Are you okay?

Youske: Huh? Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine.

Youske: Say, you hear about the incident from yesterday? They found that announcer lady hanging from an antenna!

Yu: Wait seriously? I though that was some kind of joke.

Y/N: No, I think I remember dad talking about it... Maybe... There's no way it was an accident, I'm sure of it

Youske: Definitely, dangling a dead body over a roof like that... That's just messed up.

Y/N: Then again, it's pretty messed up to kill someone in the first place.

Yu: Definitely is...

Youske: Yeah no kidding... Oh crap we better get going, school isn't gonna wait for us

Y/N: Yeah! Let's get moving.

Youske,Y/N and Yu ran the rest of the way, luckily they made it on time.

Yadogami High school Morning

Y/N had gotten in first trying to slow down, but Youske bumped into him knocking them both to the ground well Yu walked in after they entered.

Yu: Uhh are you two okay?

Y/N: Sure... Totally fine Narukami-san...

Youske: Oooww...

Mr. Morooka: You three idiots! Get in your seats, now!

Youske and Y/N scrambled to get to their seats well Yu just walked to his seat.

In a while the school day officially starts, time to work on studies... If king moron will allow it

Mr. Morooka: Be quiet, you idiots!

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