6. Two clues

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- What the hell happened to your eye?

Asked Jin seeing the black eye on Yoongi's face

- Lee Taemin. That's what happened. This is why we shouldn't just ask strong awesome Alphas if we can smell their neck.

- You talked to Taemin as well?

- Oh no! What did he do to you Jimin? - Asked Jin ready to protect his poor friend

- Oh, well...

- Jimin - said Yoongi in a low angry tone- What did Taemin do? Did he hurt you? Just say the word

It was amazing for Hobi to see how Yoongi could kill Taemin if he touched Jimin but probably didn't even defended himself when he was punched

- N-no actually, he was really kind. We talked a lot and even exchanged numbers. He didn't show me his scent though...

Yoongi was feeling a little confused at this. Jimin always told him everything and yet, this was the first time he heard about this. Was Jimin after that stupid Alpha? He was the most popular Alpha in college. But Jimin could do better. Yeah, he could do better...

- Even though some of us had accidents - said Namjoon looking at Yoongi's black eye - we managed to take several people off the list including me and Yoongi

As he ended the phrase he looked at Tae and Jungkook expecting them to say something else.

Once the two noticed the rest were waiting Tae just added

- You can leave us both on the list

Everyone was surprised to hear this. They already knew Jungkook had a problem with it but they assumed Tae was gonna find a way through him and they would be off the list. Still there was obviously something going on between them around that subject, but they decided to leave it at that.

- Okay, now lets go to the new clues. So Yoongi, what did you find?

- Well, as you know, I spent the whole week talking to every ex I had in college, which are more than a thought honestly...

- I'm not even surprised - whispered Jin

- And turns out that one of them had the number of the person who sent the message about the omega!

The hidden omega in the room panicked. He also had the number, they were getting closer.

- It turns out it isn't from a student exactly. You see, in dance class the teachers have a special phone they use to play the music when connected to the stereo. I don't think a teacher sent the message but probably someone who was in dance class that Monday morning did

- I was on dance class that morning - said Hoseok - but I don't know who sent it, we were like 25 students there

- Wait...dance class? - Thought Namjoon - like the rumors!

Most of them didn't know what he was talking about but Yoongi immediately remembered

- Oh shit you're right! There was a time like a year a go, Namjoon and I went to dance class and the whole room smelled like an Omega!

The hidden omega panicked.

- I-it could have been a female omega passing through heat

- Well, that's what we thought at first. But the scent was so strong, and the teacher said the smell was in the room since the night before. Male omegas tend to have more powerful pheromones than girls. We didn't thought much of it back then but now...

And now they knew the male omega took the dance class a year a go. And they were going to start by asking every student on that Monday class what they knew.

Lee Taemin

This is Taemin in the story! 

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This is Taemin in the story! 

If you don't know him he's known as the "King of K-pop" and with good reason

Hi there! As you know this is a short chapter so tomorrow you'll read the new one!!

Thank you for voting and following me! See you tomorrow!

Baby Y

Who's the omega? - Yoonmin Namjin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now