12. Accept me

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- Oh my God, Tae just pick a movie or I'll fall asleep!

Tae smiled to himself as Jungkook complained next to him. Once again, they were spending the night at Jungkook's. And once again, they were sharing the bed. Tae knew that, since he came out, Jungkook was taking his flirty jokes seriously. So seeing him take this moment so well made him have a little hope.

- Finally! Now leave the remote and come here, I'm cold

- Are you an Omega or what? You needy bastard

- S-shut up, I'm just cold!

Tae lay next to him. It was a small bed so they were used to cuddle. But Jungkook was half enjoying it and half scared.

Honestly neither of them was focused on the movie. Taehyung was focused on Jungkook's hand that kept playing with his shirt, and was starting to worry the other might notice his heartbeat.

On the other side Jungkook was getting all the strength in his body to show Tae a different side of him, but fear was eating him up inside. At the same time they said:

- Do you like

- Do you think

They both stopped and waited for the other to continue. Tae took the word

- I was just gonna ask if you like me that much that you can't stop touching my chest?

- What if I do?

And Tae almost dies in that very moment

- W-What?

- What? You can make jokes but I can't? Jesus...

- You never make those jokes, Jungkook

- Well I did one now. What's the big deal? Do you like me back?

- What if I do?

Now both of them were doubting if the other one was joking or not.

- You are so hard to read, Kookie

- Same goes to you

- Me?! You always say I am an open book

- Sometimes you are! Other times you keep that poker face!

They looked at each other dead in the eye trying to figure it out but there was no case. But then Jungkook gets an idea.

- This is why you would be the Omega in an Alpha relationship

- Me?! You are the one that loves romance movies and cuddling!

- Well, you are the bipolar that's always serious and then out of nowhere gets sad! That's Omega behavior!

- I get sad because you make me sad Jungkook!

- Why?!

- BECAUSE - Tae was so close to let it all out when he realized what was going on -... because you're homophobic

Jungkook cursed under his breath, he was so close to get the other one to confess

- I'm not homophobic! I supported you!

- But you don't support yourself!

- What is that supposed to mean?!

Jungkook was close to panicking at that point

- Just admit you are as straight as a cooked noodle!!

- First I'm a homophobe now I'm gay, decide!

- You are both! Just because you are into Alphas...

- WHAT??!!


Taehyung couldn't take it anymore and cut himself short to kiss Jungkook right then and there.

There was no reaction on the other side. Just a shocked Jungkook with a fast beating heart. Tae ended the kiss but didn't register what he did. He was still feeling frustrated with the other's denial

- Look! You say I'm the Omega and you are as red as a tomato!

Jungkook was trying to process everything slowly

- I can't believe our first kiss wasn't in an amusement park on a date like I always dreamed! All because someone doesn't admit that -

And he was cut by Jungkook's lips. It was then that Tae realized what he did seconds ago and what was going on now. He kissed Jungkook. And now Jungkook kissed him back...

He was still processing it but he couldn't help to smile mid kiss and hug Jungkook by the waist. On the other side, Jungkook was enjoying every single second of the kiss. He forgot everything about Alphas and Omegas. He forgot about his sexuality. About every hardship to come. He just focused on Tae's lips and how good they felt.

After some minutes of uninterrupted kissing they finally broke a part

- That was...

- ...amazing - completed Jungkook

Tae stayed silent, but a little scared. Jungkook was the type of person that could just regret everything in a second.

- I'm sorry I kissed you without asking Tae

- I-Its okay, I did it first so...

Jungkook's smile couldn't fit on his face

- Can I kiss you again? - He asked widely smiling

- I'm not gonna say I don't want to but...I think we should talk first.

And Jungkook's smile fell. This was the part he hated.

- So...

- I have feelings for you, clearly - Said Jungkook serious

- And I have them for you, also clearly

-...We are Alphas

- I know

- It's not gonna be easy

- I know

- We'll probably fight a lot and have the worst of times during ruts

- I-I know

Tae didn't even think about that last part. But it was true, biting the other one was out of the question, it could hurt their inner Alpha's pride way too much.

- so...what do we do?

Jungkook hated with his whole heart asking that question. He knew what the best answer was and he didn't like it at all.

- I don't care if you don't care

- W-What? Tae this isn't just a random problem. This will affect us forever

- If that means we'll be together forever, I don't care. Yes, it'll be hard but Kookie... I've been in loved with you since I can remember. And thinking we can't be together was the most painful thing I could experience. If I could pass through that, I can take being with another Alpha. Specially if at the end of the day you kiss me and smile at me like you just did. I swear, if I had any disease and didn't know about it, you cured the fuck out of me with that kiss.

And for the first time in years, Jungkook allowed himself to cry in front of someone else. Tae wasn't sure what his answer was gonna be, but he finally calmed down when he heard his response.

- I love you Tae

And for the first time, even with everything that was coming, they thought everything was finally gonna be okay.

- I love you back, Kookie


Yaaaaas Taekook finally happened. So you know what that means right?

There's only one option left. The Omega is gonna appear next chapter!

- Baby Y

Who's the omega? - Yoonmin Namjin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now