Chapter 13

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Today marks 5 months since me & Lozell has been dating & boy have they been a LONG ass 5 months . The time flew by , this   fuck nigga didnt get me SHIT for valentines day , but lets just say I had a Valentine. Then after Valentines day was over , here this nigga comes wanting to get back together. Yes , we broke up & yes I took his ass back like a dummy , becausenI still loved him & wanted to be with him.

This was when we REALLY started talking about having sex. He claims he was a virgin & was scared to have sex with me , because he was afraid of getting me pregnant & I was a virgin as well. ALL he talked about & kept asking me to do was give him head .

He'd be like "What that mouth do tho?" &

I'd say "What that tongue do though?" 

One weekend Lonzell came over & we chilled , made out , (The usual). So me & him are sitting in the living room & my mama is in the other room , on the phone , so me & Lonzell sneak off into my room & I take off my pants & he takes off his & pulls out his dick . He was like

"You bet not be looking at my ass"

"Im not .Dont nobody wanna look at yo ass"

So I hand Lonzell a condom & he opens it then drops it . So I had to go get another one & he says

"Im not hard yet"

"Well kiss me then" I say

Lonzell kisses me while playing with his dick & it doesnt work , so he stops & this nigga grabs my phone & starts watching bitches twerking to get hard. I was like WTF? . Then his ass FINALLY puts on the condom & I lay back (Not fully naked , panties still on) he TRIES to get in & cant . Somehow the pressure felt good to me. This nigga had lube & didnt use the shit. He tried a couple more times , I notice he starts sweating & then he stops & says

"I tried , I cant get in , you gon need a skinny nigga to do that "

I just look at his dumbass & laugh. I was so pissed off that it didnt happen. I was really starting to believe that he WAS a virgin. But he was going to his lil friends at school telling them we fucked & shit . THE TRUTH IS IN THIS STORY IM WRITING !!!! fuck whatcha heard , but I didnt find out until we had broken up for good.

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