Chapter 11

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It had been one WHOLE day & I had not heard from Lonzell ALL damn day . The next day I get to school this bitch named Mia tells me that he inboxed her with "Hey" & I ask her to let me see the message . The time stamp said he had sent the message to her at 1 o'clock in the morning & she expected me not to trip . Ohh I was so pissed . Then when I asked his ass about it , he said "She like fam" . All I said was "Mhmm" & was still pissed off . We've only been dating for 2 months , but I wasnt finna get played.

A month in after Lonzell had been working , I felt so neglected by him , he barely came over , we barely had communication , he only skyped me a few times when he got off & never even called . This nigga could go 2 WHOLE day without talking to me & not even pick up the phone to shoot me a text or phone call even if it was just to say goodnight . He would get on facebook & I'd have to hit him up . Actin like his ass was so tired & only worked 5 hours after school , weak ass nigga . Even when we got to school he STILL wouldnt show intrest in me or even acknowledge my presence. Wow , what a nigga. I started to say fuck him , but still wanted to be with his ass.

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