The deal

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Thud pounding that felt like someone was trying to drill a hole through his head woke Jimin up. His head started feeling worse with every second that have passed, and after realizing that he also felt hard to breathe, cause his mouth were so dry, he tried to open his tired eyes up and adjust his sight to the light coming from the nearest window. Took him a few seconds to just register where he was laying and why he was feeling so freaking cold.
After getting up, he looked at his naked upper body, and made a confusing grimace.

"Party, birthday, drinking... Eunwo's place...."

He finally started connecting the dots, and after looking around and seeing couple of his friends hopelessly laying around the house, wearing only some parts of their clothes, he remembered the strip poker game they played, mixed with some shots, that now seemed like nothing, but a bad idea.

After scratching his eyes, he started walking on his tippy toes, carefully, trying not to wake anyone up.

He took a bottle of water from the fridge, and drank it bottoms up.

The moment his eyes met with the clock, that was hanging in the kitchen, his eyes widen in shock cause God damn it how could it possibly be that it was already 11 in the morning and usually he wakes up at 7.
To make things even worse, the phone in his back pocket started to ring, and as soon as he saw who's calling, he knew he fucked up.

"Shit, shit, shit..."

"Hello granny... Yeah I'm awake, I'm actually on my way..." he answered and tried to talk calmly, but he was anything but calm. He started frantically looking for the rest of his clothes, all around the house, not caring much about waking the others up now, because he was late.

"You know that you have to be there on time Jiminie?"

"I know. I said I'm on my way."

"I can hear you panicking even over the phone. It's ok if you don't get there on time. I have one more pill left..."

"I'll be on time, just... got to go now.. Bye."

The thing is, every Thursday, Jimin went to the biggest pharmacist experimental facility that had worked with special cases that needed some special treatment such as his grandma.

Four years ago she was diagnosed with a rare bone condition that made her bones too sensitive and in pain, and after years of looking for something that would help her, Jimin stumbled up on that experimental treatment that she responded amazingly well to.
She felt better, looked better, and finally they could get back to their lives and enjoy their time together.

The only thing that bothered Jimin was how expensive the medicine was. He had such a hard time providing for them before, and now with the money he had to give for her medicine, he really didn't have a choice, but to find two jobs instead of one.

As a proud med student, Jimin already had a student part time job in one of Seoul's best hospital, but cause it was all a part of their university practice, it didn't pay that much. He loved his job, but the money he got for it, wasn't enough for his and his grandmother's needs, so on Friday and Saturday nights he worked as a bartender at one of the best clubs in Seoul, and those two nights were enough for him to earn the money for his grandmas weekly dose of her medicine, but it also made him super tired and exhausted all the time.

So now that he had around 17 minutes to get to the appointment with the medical staff at the Jeon pharmacy, he hurriedly grabbed the only white shirt that he found on the floor, remembering that he wore one last night, pulled the shirt over his head while grabbing his bomber jacket that was in the hallway and ran outside as fast as his legs could carry him.

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