Chap. 14 Make up or Break up?

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Anna's POV

"He's not coming back, Olaf" I said, messing with my hair.

It's been two weeks since me and Hiccup fought. He hasn't come back once, and I don't blame him. After what I said, he shouldn't come back.

"Come on, Anna! He can't be mad at you forever!" Olaf exclaimed, looking out the window.

"Actually he can. And I don't blame him if he does. I had no right to say what I did, and I regret it. But, too late for apologies now" I responded, sighing exhaustively.

I had been working my butt off to please Hans! He wanted everything for the wedding to be completely perfect! You might think I'm complaining, but his standards are ridiculous! My head was throbbing, and I'd missed a couple nights if sleep. Not to mention I'd been crying over what I said to Hiccup.

All together, I was a wreck. Olaf had opened the window, and was staring at the night sky intently. I smiled ever so slightly, still rubbing my head. At least he remained hopeful.

Me? Pfft! I lost all hope, years ago.

Olaf's POV

Anna had basically given up on Hiccup. I can't believe they both exchanged such horrible words with each other! I guess, they both are a little stressed out with all that's been going on.

Although, Hiccup's move was a little stupid, Anna shouldn't have I insulted the memory if his father. Just as he shouldn't have about her parents. Point is, they both should've talked it out! Not, chewed each other's heads off like rabid dogs!

As I was thinking such thoughts, I saw a shadow out the corner of my eye. At first, I thought I was imagining things. Until, a familiar black creature landed on the balcony, with silent wings.

I gasped with happiness. Anna had luckily left the room. I wanted this to be a surprise.

"Hiccup! You came back!" I whisper/shouted while he dismounted Toothless.

"Yeah, why?" He asked.

"Well, Anna thought you'd left forever" I said, cocking my head to the side.

"Nah! I just needed time to......straighten up" He said casually. Too casually.

"Valka sent you here. Didn't she?" I asked.

"Of course n- yes" He admitted.

Just as I was about to make a snide reply, Anna walked up.

"Olaf who are you ta-" She froze in mid sentence.

Hiccup and Anna looked away from each other out of embarrassment. It was an awkward situation. Finally, I couldn't take it! Olaf bomb, away!!

"Frostin lose the virginity already!!" I cried.

Anna's POV

"WHAT!?" Me and Hiccup screamed at Olaf.

It's official. He knows how to take completely embarrassing to a whole new level!! Couldn't he keep his mouth shut for five minutes!? At least!?

Anyways, Hiccup was the first to start talking. Probably sick of the embarrassing silence.

"I'm so sorry Anna. I don't know why I said what I did! It was wrong, and I apologize" He said, looking ashamed.

"It's alright. I should be sorry! I'm the one who started it! I have no clue why. I mean, I never say stuff like that! Do I? Have I said stuff like that bef-" Hiccup stopped my rambling by kissing me.

I sighed happily, putting my arms around his neck. He wrapped his around my stomach. He placed one hand on my back, pushing me against him. After a minute, we pulled back for air.

"So, I guess this means we've made up?" I asked.

"Of course! Unless, you want us to breakup" He said, rubbing my back.

I rapidly shook my head. He chuckled, hugging me sweetly. I couldn't live without him, even if I told myself I could.

Toothless rubbed his head against us, making us both chuckled. I rubbed his head, placing a kiss on his muzzle. He purred, nuzzling noses with me.

"Hiccup? I think you should stay with Anna for the night" Olaf said suddenly.

I gave him a shocked expression. Hiccup just seemed, confused. He looked from me to Olaf a few times.

"How come?" He asked.

"Anna hasn't slept in two nights! It's because of Hans, and cause of you" He answered.

Hiccup looked at me, as if just now noticing my red eyes. They were red from lack of proper sleep, and stress. Hiccup pulled me into another hug, which I returned.

"Is that....alright with you?" I asked, feeling embarrassed again.

"It couldn't be more so" He informed. I smiled gently, feeling better already.

Since Hans had traveled to a different kingdom for the next two weeks, we wouldn't have to worry about being caught. Elsa wouldn't even care. As long as we didn't do anything "dirty." But, we both knew way better than to go that far.

As I relaxed in Hiccup's arms, he stroked my hair. Toothless and Olaf slept on the bed too, just at the very end of it. I looked up at Hiccup, staring into his green eyes.

"What?" He asked. I responded, by kissing him real quick.

"I love you" I said. He smiled, stroking my cheek.

"I love you too."

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