Kate and Alice Herman

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Kate and Alice Herman were twins, who both survived the Titanic when she sank.

Kate Herman

1. Kate was born on December 6 1887, in Galhampton, Somerset, England.

2. Her Fathers name was Samuel Herman, and her Mothers name was Jane Laver.

3. She married Walter George Parsons on January 5 1914.

4. Kate had three children named Hermione, Norman Elliott, and Herman Albert.

5. Kate died on January 18 1983.

Alice Herman

1. Alice was born on December 6 1887, in Galhampton, Somerset, England.

2. Her parents names were Samuel Herman and Jane Laver.

3. Alice married William David Cleland in 1913.

4. She had 4 children named Muriel (Mrs Harry Harris), William "Jack", Norman, and Basil.

5. Alice died on March 23 1947 at 59 years old, in Somerset Hospital.

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