Harry (twisted) Potter and the Philosopher's stone

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We are skipping the first bit and going straight to his school life.

"Hmmm. Difficult very difficult. Hmm. Slytherin!!" The shorting hat said to Harry.

"W-w-w-what. I don't b-belong in Slytherin."Harry whimpered to Draco.

"Hello Harry. Still don't want to be my friend eh?" Draco said.

"Sure Draco let's start over. I'm Harry and you are.....?"

"I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." Draco replied.

He reached out his hand to Harry. Harry shook his hand and went to the Slytherin common room with Draco. They talked and walked  together. Draco introduced Harry to Crab and Goyle.

The next day.

"Harry you are now the seeker for Slytherin" Snape said.

"Ok professor. I'll try my best." Harry replied.

"What about me professor?" Asked Draco.

"You aren't  on the quidditch team Malfoy." Snape said.

"Why professor?" Asked Draco.

"You just aren't. Ok." Snape replied.

At quidditch.

On the pitch.

After explaining how to play quidditch.

Playing quidditch.

Harry's broom was still jinxed.

Snape didn't help.

Harry fell off his broom.

He broke his arm.

Draco ran up to him.

He helped Harry up.

They went to the hospital wing.

Harry was unconscious.

Draco sat on his bed untill he woke up.

P1 finished. P2 coming soon.
Hope you enjoyed P1. P2 carries on from quidditch accident.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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