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Back to reality...
"No!"Harry shouted, finally showing himself to to the tall, blonde boy.
"You! Pottah! Didn't your parents teach you to not eavesdrop, no wait a minute, they thought dying and making you the 'famous Harry Potter' would be better!" Draco sneered.
Harry grew angry, " shut up malfoy!"
"What did you just say to me! I'll tell-," he froze, wishing he could take those last words away.
Harry chuckled, " what you'll tell your father! Not sure he will be able to do much from beyond the grave!"
Harry's thoughts now...
Crap! I can't talk I lost my parents too! Arggg, why did I say that? Stupid Harry!! McGonagall said no drama this year and we aren't even at school and here we are, at each other's necks. I hope he doesn't take it badly, I really want to just cool the air between us even if  we don't become friends.

Back to the conversation...
"Sorry i took that to far," Harry apologised
"Whatever, when we get back to school I'll play nice but when the professors are not around, don't expect me to be nice!" Draco warned Harry, " I expect you to tell your little posse too"
"Fine it's a deal," Harry said, irritated because he thought that there was a chance for a little positive relationship, as friends.

Harry got enough gallions for the rest of his trip and met back up with the group.
"You will never guess who I just spoke too and great news is coming back to school with us?" Harry muttered sarcastically.
"No.. it can't be Draco right?"hermione said slowly with disappointment in her voice.
"Yeah and we didn't exactly get of to a great start again," Harry explained. He told them what happened with the will then the argument.
"That git, coming back to school to get money of his dead daddy!" Ron said in disgust.
"Well Harry, Ron good luck being in a dorm with him," Ginny said with a grin
"Great!!!"the two exclaimed

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