November 16, 2015

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November 16, 2015

Today we had health class it was super boring. The whole time I just sat around and learned completely nothing. But then our teacher Mrs. Sponge made us draw a life cycle of our self but I did not want to. Just sitting there would of been more fun, to be honest. Then I accidently might of said that out loud. Ok I did sorry. So now I have to have even more homework. I got to draw a picture of me and label it. Of the different sections. But then before I could even start one I heard the sound of the bell blub, blub, blub. Oh dang, I said in my head, but this time I made sure it was in my head. Well I was walking to lunch I saw these little sand dollars eating little sand grains so they would not float up. I remember when I did that I said to Macy. But I could tell Macy was just nodding like she understood but she doesn't really understand so I just laughed.

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