Chapter 1: Fan meet and a JYP contract!

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A/N: This chapter is a flashback of sorts. For some info on Shae: she has (black) braids, choclately brown skin, brown eyes, she's funny and short like Ellie. Oh yeah she's two years younger than Ellie. Please enjoy!

Ellie and her best friend Shae were so excited today. They were going to a Got7 fan meet and concert in New York City! It's the first time they've ever come to the US, on the east coast no less. Ellie and Shae had to road trip because they live in Connecticut, and they didn't like trains or buses. They drove for about an hour and a half with only mild road rage. They finally reached New York city, but had to find somewhere to park. They wanted to be relatively close to the venue, Madison Square garden. There weren't any spots sadly, so Ellie had to pull a move and parallel park in the street. Luckily since it was saturday, the meters were off. Ellie and Shae got out the car excitedly, grabbing their purses and whatnot then shutting the car doors. Shae accidentally slammed the door, which made Ellie scold her. Once that was over, they skipped giddily to the building and got into line.

"We made it here! Finally," Shae said. "Yeah thanks to my safe driving!" Ellie stated. "You drive so slow, who drives the speed limit?" Shae asked with a sigh. "Me! I don't wanna die!" Ellie exclaimed. "What a line, jeez... I'd only do this for Got7," Shae whined. "We'll get in eventually," Ellie pointed out. "As long as I can see Bambam I'll be just fine," Ellie said, changing the subject. "Jackson is bae though," Shae said. "Well he's certainly charming," Ellie added.

The moment was interrupted by the doors of the outdoor arena opening. Girls were cheering loudly and being rowdy as they entered. Shae and Ellie just went in calmly. They were chatting amongst each other until the big line separated into individual lines for each member of Got7. Ellie went into Bambam's line and Shae went into Jackson's line, which were conveniently next to one another and they were still across from one another. Ellie could not take the screaming girls, they were so loud! She did her best to ignore it and smiled. The lines went a bit slow, some girls were just so chatty to the Got7 members. Ellie was finally getting close to the front of the line to get Bambam's autograph, she waved at Shae excitedly. Time went on and Ellie and Shae were finally next to go. Ellie waited patiently, holding the poster she bought to get signed. Finally, she was called to go next! Ellie just walked up as she'd usually walk, smiling gently.

"Anyeong haseo Bambam ssi," Ellie greeted, kindly. "Ah, anyeong," Bambam said in his usual cute way of speaking. He seemed to be taken aback for some reason, probably because she didn't call him oppa. "Nae poseuteo hasigi balabnida gaib hal su issseubnikka?" (can you sign my poster) Ellie asked politely. Bambam seemed to be taken aback yet again, he must've not expected her korean to be any good. "Hehe sure, what's your name?" Bambam asked as he took the poster from her. "Ellie imnida,"(my name is Ellie) she replied. "Can you read hangul?" Bambam asked. "Yae geulae"(yeah of course), she said cutely. "Your korean sounds so cute!," Bambam cooed, also giving her one of his mischevious smiles. "Th-thank you," Ellie replied shyly. Bambam began writing, which to Ellie seemed so adorable. "What honorfic would be most proper?" Bambam asked. W-well uh... Nuna seems the most appropriate I guess," Ellie said shyly. "Wait... You're my noona? You don't look older than me," Bambam said, sounding suprised. "Y-yeah uh, I'm three years older than you," Ellie said, a bit shy. "Nuna is so cute looking, you look younger than me!" Bambam complimented, as he went back to writing. "Ahahaha komao,"(thanks), Ellie said, blushing slightly. "I think this is good! Here you go!" Bambam said then handing her the poster. Ellie smiled and took the poster gently, not without brushing fingers with Bambam's accidently. She packed the poster in its case. "Nae Bambam ssi can I take a picture with you before I go?" Ellie asked. "Of course Ellie Nuna!"Bambam said. He came from behind his table, and stood next to Ellie. She took out her phone and turned the camera on, Bambam took the phone and held it towards them seeing how he had longer arms, once they posed (in a somewhat embrace) he snapped the photo. "Komao Bambam ssi!" Ellie said cutely. "You're welcome my dear," Bambam replied then hugging her suddenly, not that Ellie minded one bit but she was blushing profusely. Bambam slipped her a ticket of some sort and whispered "See you later nuna," into her ear. They parted from the hug and she waved, then exiting the line to meet up with Shae.

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