Part 5

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"Let me in! It's raining!" Her voice is electric with her joy over the fact, even noticeable through the apartment comms system. Dark and swollen clouds mask the sun and rain down a light curtain of summer showers. The ever growing and darkening masses to the west promise more than light curtains before too long. He hits the door buzzer and can hear her carefree laugh as she pulls open the door and makes her way inside.

Moments later he answers the door in nothing but his shorts and she dances in, laughing. "You let me get wet!" She accuses and throws her hands behind his neck, standing on tip toe for a kiss and deliberately pressing herself against him.

"Well that's my job, isn't it? And you're not that wet. Not yet." He squeezes her tight and lifts her off her feet, spinning her around. She throws back her head with a shriek of glee, her hair fanning out around them before he settles her on her feet.

"That was great timing, actually. I'm just layering the lasagna now and then it's in the oven. Should be ready in an hour or so." He saunters back to the kitchen and resumes building dinner.

"Perfect. I'm just starting to get peckish now, so an hour will be perfect." She sets her shoes by the door and shrugs out of her light denim jacket. Her tight jeans hug and conform to every curve of her ass and legs, making him stop and stare while she makes a show of bending over to arrange her shoes just so. Her breasts push forward enticingly, stretching the fabric of her tight fitting black tank top as she shrugs out of the half-length jacket. She raises her eyebrows and gives him the most innocent eyes as he clears his throat hoarsely and turns back to his task. She laughs musically and presses herself against his back, wrapping her arms around him and laying her cheek against his naked back.

"Can I get you a drink?" He asks, pointing to his own whiskey and coke on the counter.

"Okay." She comes to stand beside him. He dances over to the bar at the end of the counter, shuffling to the beat of the music coming from the Bluetooth speaker sitting there.

"What can I get you?" She joins him at the bar to study her options.

"Do you have mix for that Tequila?" She asks.

"I thought you might say that, so I went and picked some up this morning. Here." He grabs the tequila, retrieves the blender, ice and mix and in short order he hands her the frosty treat. "Let me know if I messed that up. It's my first try." He laughs and she takes a sip.

"It's good, but I think I'll make the rest." She smiles to take the sting out of her words. He laughs.

"That bad, eh? Well, that's fair enough." He kisses her quickly, then takes a sip of his own drink before swaying his way back to the lasagna dish to resume his meal prep. "Actually, could I get you to make the garlic spread? Same way I used to with the parsley. Once I get this in the oven I just need to make the salad and then toss the bread in at the end and we'll be ready." He explains where everything is and soon the two of them fall into a remembered routine of rubbing against each other and stealing kisses while working together to make their best dinners. She lets him sway her back and forth in dances not graceful enough for public and they laugh and touch, kiss and tease, cooking and remembering.

"This looks amazing, as always." She lays a hand on his as they sit down to dinner.

"Thank you. And thank you for your help. I'll admit, I never try to make anything quite so nice when it's just me. Been a lot of easy meals and take out since you've been gone."

"Well maybe that's all about to change." She smiles at him and leans in for a kiss. He smiles too and they settle in to enjoy the fruits of their labours.

"That was amazing. Thank you." She squeezes his hand and he squeezes in return.

"My pleasure. And thank you. It's always more fun cooking with you." They collect their dishes and return to the kitchen. Putting the leftovers away and cleaning up the kitchen in quick order, they resume their heavy petting and flirting.

"Now, you showed me a movie last weekend, but this time I've got a show that looks like would be great to watch together. Want to start it with me, now?" Leaning against the counter he gives her ass a squeeze as he kisses her.

"Alright." She says, squeezing his ass too and then following him to the living room. Cuddled up on the couch he sets up the show and they settle in together.

"What did you think?" He asks as the first episode concludes.

"This could be good." She lays her head on his shoulder.

"I think so too. Want to watch the next one?" He grins, thinking he knows the answer already.

"In a minute." She replies and pulls away from him. He frowns slightly and watches her as she shifts. As she pulls out a hair tie and begins to pull back her hair his reaction changes. The frown disappears and his shorts begin to tent. Satisfied with her hair she smiles at his tented shorts and gives him a smug smile. All he can do is smile back sheepishly as she moves to kneel on the floor in front of him. He clambers out of his shorts in a hurry and groans lightly as she reaches out and grabs his engorging shaft.

"Sit." She says, and without a moment's hesitation or protest he sits back down and watches her eagerly as she kisses along his length. Holding him still in one hand, she rains kisses along his swelled prick like the rain against the window behind him. He moans languidly as her lips circle his crown and take him deeper, stroking and tasting him with her tongue. Her free hand comes up to cup his balls and gently massage them as she slowly works him deeper. His approving groan rattles in his throat. Her touch is light, but her lips are firm and she sucks deliberately, pulling at him eagerly. He continues to grow stiffer, and stiffer in her hand and between her lips. His cock swells for every inch that it's worth and she hums at the angry, blood-filled colour, making him dark with arousal.

Without warning his cock slams to the back of her throat and he actually trembles. His hips rolling to offer her access to everything. Again and then again she drives him to the back of her throat, holding him there a moment, feeling him flex. His hands lift and clench then settle at his sides, the muscles in his arms tight. The muscles of his legs tighten as he flexes his pelvis forward greedily. Her eyes twinkle mischief above a mouthful of cock as she looks up at him, then returns her attention to his angry girth. Back and forth, faster now, she sucks and pulls. Her hand massages his balls more firmly, her mouth pulls and coaxes, building him up. His groans become more frequent as her mouth masterfully manipulates his member to a desperate need for release. Swollen and angry against her tongue she teases him and keeps him balanced on the precipice of orgasm, so close, so very close. He tries to thrust toward his orgasm but she removes her mouth and hands and sits back on her heels to watch him with arched eyebrows.

"Fuck!" He chuckles his frustration but with an effort he stills his hips and clenches his fists at his sides. She waits a moment before nodding and taking him in hand again. His balls get a lighter touch than they had and her mouth slides over him with agonizing slowness. He groans, a very desperate sound. Begging her to finish him. She resumes her sweet torture. Quickly building him back to the very edge and holding him there, with slow pulls or simply holding him in exactly one position until he has calmed just enough to handle a touch more stimulation. His arms tremble and his hands clench repeatedly, inches from gripping her head yet never making it. She holds very still and he feels his threatening orgasm begin to taper. Every muscle in his body is tight with frustration and need.

His groan is almost pained as her hands leave him. Her hands reach out to hold his and he tries not to squeeze them too hard. She lifts his hands and places them on her head. His head snaps down to look at her and his hands holding her. She looks up at him. He pulls her down and flexes forward and his cock presses against the back of her throat. She doesn't break eye contact, and they seem to twinkle with amusement as he makes a second slow and controlled thrust, pressing firmly against the back of her throat and holding her there.

A third thrust and a forth, both faster than the one previous and she keeps looking up at him with that gleam in her eyes. He grins excitedly and shifts his position and his grip. Placing both hands on his thighs she waits. Letting himself go he fucks her. Racing toward that tormented orgasm she has built up, he grips her hard and thrusts wildly in a desperate rush toward release. With a hard thrust up and a throaty groan he pulls her head down quickly and releases her, arms slapping to the couch beneath him as his first hot pulse explodes against the back of her throat. She gags on the first shot but pulls back and catches the rest in her mouth, swallowing over and over as rope after rope of creamy cum floods her mouth. With a full body tremble he slumps into the couch. She gives a couple more brief swallows, and strokes him with her tongue before pulling back. She smiles up at him with tears in her eyes and licks him clean.

"Did you enjoy that?" She asks and dabs at her eyes and corners of her mouth.

"Thank you." He nearly gasps. "Holy fucking wuh! Thank you."

She is absolutely radiant when she smiles like that. She climbs up him and pushes him into the corner of the couch. He leans into the pillows and she lies against him, pulling his arms around her.

"You might get fluids on your clothes." He warns.

"You're right." She stands and quickly strips herself naked, tossing her clothes on his shorts before snuggling back into him and pulling his arms around her again.

"This is much better than me getting dressed again." He chuckles and squeezes her tight in his arms and in the grip of his thighs. She hums contentedly and lays her cheek on his arm while hugging them back.

Two more episodes later and they haven't moved from that position. "Hey. Come to bed with me." He rumbles into her hair.

"Mmm." Is her only reply as she stands and without looking back leads him toward the other end of the apartment.

"This one." He says as he pushes one of the two doors open. "Other one is just storage."

They step into the bedroom and he quickly pulls back the covers and lays her out in the centre of the bed. "Thank you for taking the edge off earlier." He whispers against her cheek and then begins to rain kisses down the delicate arch of her neck. Slowly crawling down her body, his hands and lips taking their leisure exploring and remembering every inch of her soft skin. His fingers trace down the lines of her arms, across the valley of her breasts, caress the sensitive skin of her sides. His lips delve into the hollow of her throat and kiss along her shoulders, kissing their way across the swell of her bosom, briefly tasting and teasing her nipples to firm points before continuing to feather her tummy with kisses and to slip around her naval. Her skin flushes delicately and she breaths deeply, her head lolling languidly. Her body comes alive under his attention. His hands scoop the arch of her back, lifting her up and then roaming along her hips. He trails kisses along her thighs, his hands stroking them and massaging them, stroking the flesh of her ass they can reach.

Finally his lips come back to where she really wants them. Deliberately kissing every inch of her pelvis he slowly edges his way closer and closer, the anticipation making her tingle and her clit yearn expectantly. With a soft sigh, her hands come to tangle in his hair gently as his lips encircle her. His tongue delves beneath her hood and circles her lazily, each slow pass of his tongue sending a small shiver up her spine. One hand slowly slides up her body to cup one full breast, fondling it in rhythm with his tongue. The other hand alternates between sliding to the small of her back and pulling her closer, and gripping her thigh firmly to hold her there.

She gives a sultry groan and her hands tangle aggressively in his hair as his tongue slips between her folds and tastes her wet centre. Slow and steady his tongue caresses and explores, delves and tastes. Both heavy hands settle on her thighs and hold her still as she trembles beneath his ministrations, her own hands grasping and pulling. Her soft lips part and she pants, eyes squeezed shut and head lolling back on the pillow. His lips kiss hers before his tongue slides into her, and again and again. His tongue, soaked in her slippery juices, slides between her folds to revisit her clit. Her sharp gasp as his strong tongue traps her is all the encouragement he needs. He begins the slow torturous game. Pressing hard with his tongue and slowly drawing his tongue up along her clit until his tip slips over her sensitive nub with a sharp pang of pleasure that produces a full body jerk from her. He smiles against her sweet lips as he starts again, trapping her beneath his tongue and slowly, slowly pulling up and up until... She jerks again as his tongue flicks over her. He begins building the anticipation again, heavy tongue engulfing her and drawing up.

Once she seems properly frustrated and aroused, he trails a few light kisses up her body before claiming her lips with his. She kisses him deeply and her hands grasp his shoulders and she undulates beneath him. They know this rhythm. She knows what's next. Leaning off the bed he retrieves a condom from the bedside and smoothly rolls it down his swollen length. Positioning himself above her, she spreads her legs a little more and he takes himself in hand. Slowly, he presses against her entrance and she readily takes his swollen crown, the first inch, two. Slowly he sinks into her. One agonizingly slow inch at a time. They both groan as his pelvis presses against hers.

"Home..." He groans into her ear and the two of them wrap their arms around each other. He settles his large frame down on her and she squeezes her arms and pussy as he envelopes her. He groans in her ear and kisses her cheek as his hips roll languidly. She gasps lightly by his ear as each inch slides through her. His large hand cradles the back of her head while the other wraps her tight. She clings to his back, squeezing the two of them ever closer and her hips roll to match his steady rhythm. The two of them fixating on the feel of their bodies entwined and every thick, long inch of him filling her.

"Come here." She whispers in his ear. Lifting her legs and crossing her ankles at his waist he suddenly sinks deeper. They both groan and she arches dramatically beneath him, forcing her breasts up, her nails biting him briefly. He holds himself deep and flexes inside her. They both hum their pleasure and she rolls her hips at him. "Come here." She whispers a little more breathily. Settling on his knees more, he flexes his hips back and forth and they both revel in the deeper penetration.

He keeps their bodies close, her full breasts trapped between them, his lips teasing her ear or kissing her as he rolls his hips and she arches to meet each thrust. Her hands roam over his back, holding him close but enjoying traveling over the broad expanse of muscle. One of his hands slides out from beneath her and reaches down to cup her ass, his large, calloused hand gentle but firm as it takes hold of her. She moans against his lips as he squeezes her ass and thrusts a little harder. Her back arches and she clings to him, grasping at his back and clenching around his swollen girth. Back and forth he thrusts, driving himself deep inside her soft, hot body. They groan and gasp together with each strong thrust.

His tempo increases again and she readily adapts to meet him. Each thrust of their hips building their pleasure. Each long, deep push making them pant, their breathing growing more excited. His hand leaves her ass and both hands slide under her and grip her shoulders, holding her tight against him and pulling her down slightly into each thrust of his hips. She mewls softly as he thrusts into her firmly. His rhythm doesn't become frantic, his thrusts don't become hard, but with each roll of his hips he firmly thrusts his whole length all the way into her, his pelvis grinding euphorically against her clit before retreating and giving her another firm thrust.

She squeezes him tight in the vice of her legs, her arms cinch around his shoulders and she clenches her pussy around him as he fills her. Small tremors of pleasure make her shiver. His breathing becomes more laboured. His grip tightens on her shoulders and his breathing is nearly ragged in her ear. She shivers again.

"Cum with me, baby." She whispers in his ear. He shudders above her. "Cum with me." She whispers again and trembles with his next thrust. "Come on. Cum with me." Her voice breaks and he kisses her. Picking up the rhythm a little more again, they gasp against each other's lips, their hands gripping each other, their bodies pressed hard. They gasp and moan and both go taut as release washes over them. Her nails dig into him and she bites him lightly as she groans out her orgasm. He crushes her against his chest, squeezing her tight as his own orgasm carries him away. They groan and moan and gasp and when they come back down, lie gasping in each other's arms. A slight sheen of sweat glistens on his back and he kisses her deeply.

"That was nice." She purrs.

"Mmm, thank you." He kisses her lightly and rolls onto his back, bringing her atop him. She settles there on his chest, condom covered cock still nestled inside her. His hands run over her back, rubbing here, squeezing there, massaging this and kneading that. She breathes deeply and traces her fingers along his chest, nestling her head in the crook of his collar. They lie there in a lazy and content daze. The ebbing pleasure of their orgasm mingling with the pleasure of their naked flesh and soft touches. Before long he shrinks enough to slide out of her yet they still don't move for a few more minutes, just enjoying this tenderness.

"Come on. We haven't showered together in forever." She shimmies off him and stands beside the bed.

"Don't have to tell me twice." He rolls to his feet and peels off the condom, tossing it into the waste basket by the bed. She smoothly kneels in front of him and takes him into her mouth. He hums as her tongue licks away his cum and her lips tease and coax him to swell. Pressing her nose to his pelvis she lets him swell until he fills her throat and she needs to pull back for breath before standing.

"Bring a condom." She grins at him excitedly and dances out of the room. He quickly gathers up another condom before joining her in the washroom where she has the water already running. Bent over adjusting the temperature he presses his cock between her ass cheeks and runs his hands along her back. She closes the shower curtain and leans back against him, one hand reaching up to rest on the back of his neck and the other reaching back to hold his hip as one of his grips her hip and the other slides up her front to lay across her chest and pull her back. She tilts her head back and he leans in to trail kisses along the arch of her neck.

"Let's get you wet again." He mumbles against her neck and she laughs before slipping past the curtain to stand beneath the shower head. He tosses the condom beside the tub then joins her and simply stands back, admiring the hot water cascading over the supple curves of her body. Watching her hands roam over those curves and trail through her hair.

Squirting a liberal glob of body wash in his hands he reaches out and begins to rub it into her breasts. As the lather begins to froth in his hands they travel up to encircle her delicate throat, gently massaging the soap along her neck, across her shoulders. His soapy hands travel back and forth along one arm and then the next. Then he takes his time massaging the suds into her breasts and chest. Turning her to lean her back against him he smooths the soap over her belly, his hands reverently sliding over her body and ensuring to revisit every inch multiple times. He kneels behind her, kissing his way down her back and planting a few on her ass as his soapy hands lather her thighs, first one then the other. Down his hands go, massaging her calves and shins, and making a game out of washing her dainty feet.

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