Chapter 15

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Welcome to the next update, hope you enjoy...

   " Tio are you alright?" Tachimba asked after finding me in the living room pale.

" Why do you ask?" I asked turning to look at her as she sat next to me.

" I had been calling you for about 10 minutes,but you were not responding," she asked worried," talk to me sis what's wrong?"

I glanced at her and back on the floor.
" Tachi it's a long story,I don't even know where to start from," 
She made me sleep on her laps and she started playing with my hair.
" Well you can start from the beginning,"

" I have to break up with Miles," I started.

" But why?"
" Because it's a promise I made to Jackie. She was in a relationship with Miles, before we started dating. Miles had cheated on her and they broke up. Jackie was so upset with him that she wanted nothing but revenge.
I promised her that I would do it of which I didn't.
I was to make Miles fall in love with me,then later crush him by breaking up with him.
It was all going well until I started falling in love with him as well.
I have fallen for Miles Tachi and am afraid that leaving him would not just hate him but me as well,"

" Then don't leave him,as your best friend, Jackie will understand," she advised.

I got up quickly from her laps so that I could look at her face.

" Tachi, best friends don't do that to each other,they don't betray one another.
Jackie has done so much for me that paying her with betrayal, wouldn't be fair.
Remember it was her family that helped with dad's surgery,it was also her family with her help that helped with my tuition fee at UNZA,she has sacrificed so much for me so would it be fair if I disappoint her for just the one thing she has asked like seriously?" I complained.

She looked at me confused.
" Sis you are really in a hard situation, but one thing I can tell you is, follow your heart," she advised.

" My heart is just filled with confusion right now," I cried hiding my face with both my hands.

" No Tio, I know there is something, just listen carefully and what ever your decision, I love you and will always be here for you," she told me wrapping her hands around by back.

" Thank you sis, I love you too,".

*. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *

" Tio, now this has gotten out of hand, I think you have no intentions of leaving Miles or maybe there is something I don't know?" Jackie asked annoyed.

" Jackie look, I can explain," I said to come her down.

" Oh just shut up! Everytime you are saying the same stupid thing of explaining, just tell the truth, what is really happening !" She shouted.

" I love Miles Jackie, I have fallen in love with him, I tried so hard to prevent it but... it just happened," I confessed, as tears almost fell from my eyes.

" What?" She asked disappointed," how could you Tio? I trusted you, is this how you are going to betray me?" She asked as tears fell from her eyes as well.

" Look Jackie it's not that I don't want to break up with Miles, I have just being trying to find a stable way to leave him, without hating myself," I told her holding her hands.

" I trusted you Tio!" She shouted, shaking my hands off," I didn't expect this from you,if it was any person,I wouldn't have been too surprised but you Tio,my best friend, I didn't expect this from you,"

" Jackie,"  before I could say another thing, Miles entered.

Jackie was there,I was there and now,Miles was there.

We were cought,it was over,game over,no where to run to.

I ran out of words,my heart stopped beating , I was frozen.

My prayer at that point was the ground would open and just swallow me, because I wasn't ready for what was coming.

  " Jackie?" Miles called quizzed,"Tionga?"

" Miles," Jackie and I said at the same time.

" You two know each other," he asked but non of us were ready to answer.

He walked to were I was and stood in front of me.
" This is Jackie the girl I was always telling you about,so you know her and was pretending you didn't, I even showed you her pictures but still, you couldn't tell me?"
He asked peeved.

" Yes Miles,she knows me," Jackie said and we turned to look at her.

" She has been my best friend since childhood,"I added looking down so ashamed.

" Then why didn't you tell me the truth why did you lie to me!" He shouted annoyed.

" I will tell you," Jackie spoke.

" Jackie please don't say anything," I pleaded as Miles kept turning to who ever was talking.

" No Tio, it high time he knew the truth,we can't keep him in the dark forever," she insisted .

" What is she talking about Tio?" Miles asked confused and pissed.

" Look Miles," Jackie started,"your relationship with Tionga was all a pretence,she doesn't love you,she just got in a relationship with you to late break your heart, she was doing it all for me, I wanted her to make you fall for her then later break up with you,so that you could feel how it feels to love someone and later they hate you,"

Miles turned to me.
He held my face so that I could look at him.

" Tell me is what she is saying true? were you just with me to hate me?were all the times you told me you loved me all part of the act?  Everything,the promises we made to each other,the love we made, the happy moments, were they all just a lie? " He asked," tell me the truth,"
I forced my face out of his hold and turned the opposite direction.

" I am sorry Miles, but what ever Jackie told you Is true, I was just pretending,I never loved you, all the moment we shared,were all just part of the plan," I lied as tears could not stop coming out of my eyes.

Before anyone could say a word,I grabbed my phone and car keys and ran outside.
I got in my car and immediately drove off, running away from my house.

Miles left annoyed, disappointed, broken and devastated .

I am a monster ...

I hope you enjoyed this heart breaking chapter..
So Miles knows the truth, what will happen now, will the love story have an happy ending of this is just the end?

Find out in the next 5 chapters..

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