Take Out Day.

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please, my brain is screaming at me to write Dreambur.

so they meet up and go get take out. for views. of course. for reference, they live close to eachother. Dream moved to the UK for- George reasons 💀

Dream had awaken to the sound of George talking to someone on the phone. It was a pretty nice morning, though it felt slightly chilly. He slowly sat up, hearing his British friend laughing and talking rather loudly. It made the blonde curious, as he got up from his warm bed, slipping on some house shoes as he opened his door. He noticed George in a red hoodie, as well as jeans. Was he going out today?

George had heard the other's door open, as he turned around. His heterochromia eyes staring at Dream for a second, then smiled widely, before talking into the phone again. “Yeah Wilbur! Oh, and may I invite Dream? Yeah!”

Dream really didn't know if he'd wanna go, but he hadn't met Wilbur in person before, and he might be fun to be around. Considering they have been on the SMP a lot together, and calling when no one else was around. He felt his face heat up, realizing he would be meeting Wilbur later today. The male that had the brightest smile, the guy who's hair was absolutely stunning, having curls everyone would've loved to have. He bit his lip, watching George excitedly talk to the person on the other line. He went back into his room, putting on some nice clothes. He wore his merch, some black jeans, and some boots. He came back out, and George was off the phone by now.

“Hey! You're ready! I didn't even have to tell you this time.” George remarked, as he smiled.

Dream just rolled his eyes. “Well I have to make sure I look okay at least. I haven't met Wilbur before.” “Well duh, but I know the late night calls you guys have.”

Dream blushed, as he shoved the other slightly. “Shut up. It's usually just about the SMP, he is one of the writers.” “Yeah, but you're blushing. Ooo, do you like the famous Wilbur Soot?” George teased, causing Dream to push him again. “No! Shut your mouth Mr. ‘Sapnap is so adorable when he's clingy’.

This caused George's face to turn red, but he rolled his eyes. “Fair. But cmon- we're gunna be late.” Dream nodded, as they both headed out of the house they shared.

It wasn't a long time, but it was long enough for Dream to have been on his phone when the car had stopped. He looked up, smiling. “Why does everything seem so calm in the UK? If I was in Florida I feel like I'd be getting robbed.” George just laughed, as they got out of the car, Dream following suit.

They started to walk towards the restaurant, Dream getting more anxious at the thought of meeting up with the curly haired brunette. “You okay?” George asked, noticing how the taller was messing with his hair. The shorter knew that was a sign of him being anxious, of course, they had lived together for awhile now, so he knew his patterns. “Oh, I guess so. But do you think he'll like me? I sound like a middle schooler, but he's just-” “Pretty? Intelligent? Taller than you? H-” “George, if you don't shut up.”

George just snorted, as he shoved Dream slightly. “Listen, every single friend you have knows how bad you have it. You guys literally stayed up, while he was drunk, just so you could be the one to take care of him. You literally told us once that you wanted to meet up because you could finally say how you felt.” Dream knew George had a point, as he shrugged and stared at his shoes. “I know, I'll think about it.”

George didn't push his friend, as he just gave a small smile as they finally reached their destination. They had both sat down near the back, in a small booth with a window. Dream had sat on one side, while George sat on the other. They shared a soft silence, listening to all the chatter and sounds of food being made. George's phone went off, as he checked it. “Wilbur said he's coming! He's running late because Tommy decided to try and set Tubbo on fire.” The shorter male said nonchalantly. Dream wheezed, as he looked at George with a confused look. “Set him on FIRE?” “Well, he didn't DO it, he tried to.” They both just laughed, as they continued to wait.

After awhile, Dream had heard a soft 'ahem' come from his left. He turned, as he could feel his heart stop at the sight. Wilbur was now standing there, smiling. His hair was fluffy and curly, resting against his forehead, a beanie placed neatly on his head. He wore a soft yellow sweater, some black ripped jeans, and sneakers to make it all work. George was the first to say hello, offering his seat that was next to him. Dream didn't object, as he was too focused on how great the other male looked in person. Sure, his streams made him look lovely, but this was a different type of pretty.

Wilbur had seated himself next to George, as he gave the male a side hug. “It's nice to see you, bro! I'm sorry it took me so long. Children, yaknow?” George just giggled, as he nodded. Wilbur had turned his attention to the other male at the table, smiling. He had seen Dream's face twice before, always thinking it was stunning. He was a handsome man, and Wilbur knew that. He smiled at the other, giggling. “Are you okay? Your face is a little red, Dream. Do you need some water?”

Dream had snapped out of it, as his face went a bright crimson. “Oh! Yeah! You look great by the way, and I'm glad we finally got to meet!” Wilbur nodded, “Yeah, it took you forever, though. But it's finally great to meet the person who loves taking care of me.”

Dream smiled nervously, just listening to Wilbur's voice made him want to melt. Especially when he had laughed. “I'm really glad we're all here. Now I'm fucking starving, can we get our food now?” Wilbur had laughed at that, making Dream's heart beat faster. “Sure! I can order for us if you guys would like!”

George shook his head, getting up. “Nope! I got it! I know what you all want anyway! Bye!” George now winked at Dream, as he hurriedly went to go wait in line. Dream mentally slapped himself, knowing George would have done this.

Dream had noticed Wilbur bouncing his leg, as he tilted his head slightly. Why was he nervous? “Hey, are you okay Wilbur? You seem nervous.”

“Yeah yeah! I guess just seeing you in person is a surreal experience. I quite like seeing your face in person.” Dream almost audibly gasped, but he just let out a soft laugh. “I could say the same for you, I didn't expect to see a tall handsome man sit down at my table today.” This made Wilbur laugh loudly, as he rested his head on his hand. “You're silly, Dream.”

After a few minutes, George had came back with their orders. Wilbur seemed to be rather thankful, as he took his food happily. “Thank you George!” Dream had also reached for his food, making sure he didn't bump anybody else's stuff. He ate his food, but he couldn't keep his eyes off of the tall male infront of him. He could feel himself blushing, but tried to not show it too much. Wilbur seemed content with not talking, as he ate. Dream didn't realize how beautiful he was until he was staring it straight in the face. The male had almost caramel like eyes, his skin very smooth and a vanilla tone, very very soft freckles, only visible if you really paid attention. Dream could've gotten lost in the other's face, if it wasn't for George. “Hey! I gotta go to the bathroom, don't worry love birds, I won't be long.” And off he went.

Dream and Wilbur looked at eachother, as they started to laugh. “Yaknow, sometimes I wonder if George knows hes that dumb.” Dream said, allowing Wilbur to laugh harder. “It's okay! He tries his best!”

Dream couldn't help but reach to grab Wilbur's hand, the other slightly caught off guard, but he held Dream's hand back.

“Well, I wanted to ask this anyway, but now that George brought up the subject.” Dream said, as Wilbur tilted his head.

“Would you like to go on a date with me?”

“You know what? That sounds wonderful. I would love to go on a date with you, Mr. Dream.”

“It's a date then, Mr. Soot.”

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