- - - MoonStar's death. - - -

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As the title suggests this is MoonStar's past death.

Also, this is old as shit, i wrote this in like 2021, and i might rewrite it but obv i'll keep this version up ig.🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸‼️💯
- 2023


The gates opened as NightStar froze in apprehension.

He felt his heart race and then suddenly he felt his body freeze.


"Final one."

NightStar mumbled to himself tightening his shoulder armor.

He sharpened his sword's blade one last time before the ortator's voice came over the loudspeakers.

"Final round is rolling in! The participants names shall remain anonymous until the gates open!"

NightStar stood up from the bench he was on, and felt a sudden hot rush. He shook his head, smoothing out his quills.

"Now is certainly not the time to be nervous Night, pull yourself together."

He seathed his sword as one of the personnel of the Arena, whom had escorted him this whole time, stood waiting for him by the corner.

He walked up to them and let out a meek smile which was returned.
The man led him down the hall, which NightStar then took his time to peer outside the windows.

The rain poured outside causing a depressing and cold atmosphere.

Once they had finally reached the gate entrance, NightStar strolled in carefully.
Hearing as the door behind him closed, and locked, for the final time.

"Good luck pal, hope you make it out of there.."

NightStar glanced over his shoulder at the man and gave him a nod.

"Thank you." He replied.

The man smiled and nodded before walking off out of sight, leaving NightStar alone.

NightStar shifted his attention toward the gate as it opened.

"To think this might be the last time I ever hear this creaky old thing.."

NightStar thought slowly stepping out into the open.
The rain soaked him instantly, not like he was already soaked however from before.

The crowd instantly screamed their celebrations, chanting his name over the crash of thunder.

NightStar smiled, he enjoyed the moment. For all he knew, it could be his last.

Everyone went silent suddenly, shifting their attention to the right of the Arena where a shadowy figure stepped out.

Thunder roared over head, lighting up the figures face eerily.

The crowd cheered the person on as they looked around looking content.

NightStar narrowed his gaze and froze.

"The final contestants are none other then NightStar and MoonStar!"
The announcers voice echoed around the Arena causing the crowds cheering to grow louder.

NightStar glanced over and saw his brothers surprised expression staring back at him only for it to shift suddenly into a sly smile.

NightStar felt a shiver slide down his spine, and it certainly wasn't from the rain.

"Let the final round.. BEGIN!"

MoonStar glanced at his brother and began strutting toward him at a confident pace.
NightStar joined in until they were joined in the middle of the sandpit, only a few feet from one another.

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