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body image, orphans, sick kids, car crash, past memories
Chapter Text
Yoongi and Hoseok walked in the staff room where the Santa costume was already laying on top of an old cabinet.

H: "Here it is." Hoseok smiled at Yoongi. "As I'm looking at you I think we'll need to get a bigger belly, you're really skinny."
Y: "Haha, yeah I haven't been eating properly past weeks, I worked everyday and everynight."
H: "Oh really? You must've really liked your job then."
Yoongi smiled again, Hoseok read through him like if he was picture book.
Y: "Yeah... My job was really the last thing that was keeping me alive. I worked as a music producer, music is really everything to me..." suddenly Hoseok went quiet, Yoongi could almost feel the sadness in the air.
H: "I-I'm sorry to hear that..." he turned back to face Yoongi and sat on the cabinet "You know I used to dance" he laughed with a sparkle in his eyes, displaying the memories in his head. "Like for you music, for me dancing was my ultimate passion however, I got into a car accident and now I have a few screws in my back."
Y: "Oh no, Hoseok I'm so sorry to hear that." Yoongi felt awful hearing those words.
With a smile on his face, Hoseok looked up to face Yoongi and said "Don't be sorry, being grateful is always better, look I'm alive and happy."

It was time for Yoongi to strip down and try on the Santa costume. Yoongi however didn't say anything to Hoseok about him being gay and that's how this awkward situation has had begun. He took off his shirt, revealing his pale snowlike skin but also his ribs.
H: "I think I'll need to take you on a dinner sometime."
Y: "I-i i'm sorry, I know I have disgusting body, could you please turn around?" Yoongi crossed his arm on his chest feeling the emberesment.
H: "No silly! You look beautiful, I'm just worried about your health-"
Y: "B-beautiful?? Do you really find this beautiful?"
Hoseok couldn't help himself, he walked up to Yoongi and grabbed his hand because he felt like wouldn't be appropriate.
H: "Every person has it's own beautiful, my mom always tells me to reassure gorgeous and beautiful things about it's beauty because, they need to hear it in order to believe it."
The pale shirtless man suddenly felt a warm tear going down his cheek. Yoongi still holding hand with his boss, frozen looking into eachother's eyes like they found a galaxy in them, no, galaxies. The world has stopped and Yoongi suddenly felt the fear of there not being enough time to spend with Hoseok, even 100 lifes wouldn't be enough. Yoongi fell in love.

T: "Morning! O-ohh I'm sorry, I should knock next time-"
H: "Jang-mi! Morning!"
Y: "Don't worry I'm just trying on the costume." Yoongi grabbed the fake belly and put it on, which made the other two laugh.
Y: "Yaah! Don't laugh at Santa, you're going to be on a naughty list." He laughed with them.

It was almost 5pm which meant that it was around the time when kids will start coming to tell Santa about their biggest wishes. Taehyung was now dressed up as an elf and he was running around the shop, making sure everything was perfect. He sprayed last bits of fake snow and turned on the christmas jazz playlist. Everything seemed perfect, there was already a queue outside the shop, full of giggling kids waiting for Santa.

H: "Are you ready?" Hoseok leaned his hip on the counter and looked at Yoongi.
Yoongi closed his eyes and and bowed his head.
H: "Okay then!"

The Santa and his elf were seated and ready for the kids. Hoseok went to unlock the door and welcome the guests, "Welcome to Hoseok's tiny miracles, Mr. Claus is waiting for you! Come on!"
The kids screamed and started jumping in excitement, it gave Hoseok so much joy and energy, thinking about some of them not having families or being sick was unbelievably hurtful. He felt like this was the bare minimum he could do for them, Hoseok really loved kids, he always dreamed about adopting kids with his husband someday. Giving them home and family, watching them grow and raising them with his soulmate his best friend his lover.

The event went really smoothly, a few toy cars, barbies, plushies and other toys were given to the kids and a lot of words were spoken. Hoseok was now really busy with the customers so he couldn't be with the kids. However, Yoongi really needed him this time.
A small girl came up to Yoongi and crawled on top of his lap "Santa, tell me... where are my parents? I'm going to find them when I'm older but just tell me where to look please."

Yoongi froze, his head went empty, he wasn't expecting to talk about anything else besides the new toy car with voice recognition or the newest doll who tells you a fairytale before bed. He needed Hoseok, he's good with his words. Yoongi tried to summon him but the queue infront of the cash register was way too long.

"It's okay If you don't know, keeping so many informations in your head must be stressful. I have one more wish then, could I get a compass for christmas?"

Yoongi was thankful that the beard was catching his tears "Young lady, you're right. Santa forgets about things sometimes but, I promise you'll get a letter from me when I remember." He grabbed something from his elf and handed it to the girl. "Here, this compass is magical, it will always lead you to happiness so don't forget to follow it every step you take."

The little girl hugged Yoongi with her tiny arms and that's when Yoongi noticed that Hoseok was now standing there smiling at them. Hoseok thought about his dream of having family and instead of someone he now saw Yoongi in that role. Hoseok imagined Yoongi sitting on a couch in front of the fire place holding their kids in his arms and telling them stories, while he was baking christmas cookies.
Yoongi was just happy that Hoseok was there.

That day they both fell for eachother, was it really the magic behind those mugs?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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