Chapter 4: Snookered

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The next morning Peter awoke at his standard time of five o'clock. He headed downstairs to make coffee, letting El continue to sleep. Neal had moved into the guest room sometime after midnight. Peter checked on him during the night. Neal had left the door ajar and whenever Peter peeked in, he was sound asleep with Satchmo sprawled next to him on the bed.

By the time Neal came downstairs, Peter was sitting at the dining room table working a crossword. He'd lost the dark circles under his eyes and the spring was back in his step. In a sense, Peter had already achieved his objective.

"Is that Italian roast?" Neal said, sniffing the air.

"It is indeed. We only serve Italian roast at our boot camp. Let's take our mugs out to the patio. El's in the shower. She'll join us in a few minutes." In the past, Neal had been more open about what was going on in his complicated mind when they were outside. Peter hoped that was still true. He grabbed the bag of dog biscuits on the way out to reward Satchmo for a job well done.

On a Saturday morning, traffic was light. The patio was a peaceful place. Earlier in the year, Peter had built a small dog run for Satchmo along the far side so they could all be lazy in the morning.

When he and Neal took their seats at the patio table, Peter pulled out Neal's cell phone from the pocket in his sleep pants. "You're welcome to check messages."

"Cell phone, Italian roast, no push-ups—I like the way this day is starting." Neal turned on his phone and scrolled through his texts.

"Do you need to make any calls?"

Neal shook his head. "The only one with a question is from Mozzie and it can wait."

"Were the sleepless nights his idea?"

"No, he doesn't know anything about Columbia."

"Why didn't you tell him, or anyone else for that matter?" Peter asked. He thought he'd already figured it out, but he was curious to see how Neal would answer.

Neal took a sip of coffee before replying. "Various reasons but the main one was a promise I'd made to myself. After I talked with the dean and decided to give it a shot, I vowed that I wouldn't take any shortcuts. If I'd told Mozzie, he would have come up with a way to game the system, and the temptation might have been too great to resist." He made a face. "Especially after I opened the chemistry textbook. As for Noelle, I appreciated her help with applying, but she didn't realize I would need to take the exams so soon. If I'd told her, she might have confronted the dean to work out some other special dispensation."

Peter was surprised Neal was being so forthcoming. He hoped he could make it last. "What about Henry?"

"He would have dropped everything to help, but this was something I needed to do on my own. If I don't make it, he'll never know." Neal shrugged. "I don't want anyone to feel guilty, and that includes you and Elizabeth." He stopped to scan Peter's face. "Right?"

Peter could have argued with Neal's reasoning, but he liked the fact Neal was abiding by the dean's decision. "Whatever happens is on you," he agreed. "And we won't inform anyone else about the application without your knowledge. To quote an overworked expression—"

"—What happens in boot camp stays in boot camp," Neal finished with a grin.

"That's right."

"Thanks, I appreciate it. So, when do I get to hear about the agenda?"

"As soon as El arrives. Boot camp is a team effort unlike the solo torture you've been subjecting yourself to for the past week."

Neal winced but didn't dispute the point. When Satchmo trotted over with a ball, he began tossing it for him.

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