Chapter 1- Killed

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Xie Lian was the crown prince of Xian Le. Living with his parents and bodyguard, Feng Xin. He was living a happy life in his castle, only problem was outside the castle.
He rarely left his home unless they went to visit some relatives, so he never knew what the outside world was like.
"Xie Lian, come here angel," his mother said.
"Yes Mama?" Xie Lian walked up to her and smiled like the good boy he was. His mother smiled and pet the young man's head.
"I need you to go out with Feng Xin to pick something up," the woman said, "I know you aren't used to going out but everyone is busy right now."
"I understand," Xie Lian said, "I'll go." He turned around and saw Feng Xin standing against the wall, "Let's go, Feng Xin!"
Feng Xin nodded and walked behind the crown prince to the door. Xie Lian got his favorite bamboo hat and out it on before walking outside.
It was loud outside the door. People chattering all at the same time, dogs barking, the hooves of horses tapping on the ground. Xie Lian turned to Feng Xin, "Where do we need to pick this thing at?"
"The dock," Feng Xin replied.
"Thank you," Xie Lian smiled and walked ahead in the dock's direction. He passed many children playing and laughing, and mothers scolding them. It was quite amusing.
They arrived soon and Feng Xin walked up to a man. They exchanged a few words before the man handed him a box, he then walked away. Feng Xin turned around to see Xie Lian talking to a man in red with an eyepatch on his right eye.
"What's your name?" Xie Lian asked.
"San Lang, what about you gege?" The man asked.
"Xie Lian," he replied, "but please, just call me gege."
"Alright, gege," San Lang smiled.
"Your majesty," Feng Xin whispered, "we must leave."
"Oh! Alright," Xie Lian nodded, "San Lang, I apologize but I must leave. My parents are waiting for me at home."
"Of course," San Lang nodded, "I understand." He walked away and met up with a group of other young men.
Feng Xin gestured for Xie Lian to follow him and walked away towards te castle. Xie Lian followed and they both soon arrived at the castle without any problems.
"Mama! Guess what? I met someone new today!" Xie Lian exclaimed once he was inside.
"Really? Who was it angel?" His mother smiled warmly as she read her book.
"His name was San Lang, he had an eyepatch! Can you believe that? I wonder what happened to his eye..." Xie Lian trailed off when he saw his mother's face grow pale. "Mama? Are you alright?"
"What side was his eyepatch on?" His mother asked, her voice quivering.
"The right side...?" Xie Lian hesitated to answer, for he knew there was a right and wrong answer.
"Oh dear lord! Xie Lian, you just talked to Hua Che-!" She was cut off by a sword impaling her abdomen.
"Mama!" Xie Lian rushed over to his mother who had blood pulsing from the wound. He looked behind her and saw a man with a black mask. "Feng Xin!" He called out.
The man immediately ran out, "Your Highness! What happened?" He pulled out his own sword and pointed it at the man, "Who are you?!"
The man simply shrugged and jumped out the window. Xie Lian ran out the door in search of the man, he ran behind the castle and followed the man to the dock, Feng Xin close behind.
The man jumped on a ship and Xie Lian followed. Feng Xin called out, "Get off the boat!"
   "No!" Xie Lian yelled back, he saw a man cleaning his sword and snatched it. He pointed it at the man with a mask, he struck.
   The man easily dodged the blow and fought back. Xie Lian may not know how to fight, but he wasn't stupid. He knew how to block perfectly well, better than anyone his parents knew.
   Xie Lian blocked all the hits and began to get tired, he panted and breathed heavily as he continued blocking.
   Feng Xin had jumped on the ship as well and was fighting with three men. He seemed to be doing fine but Xie Lian could tell he was getting tired.
  One second. That's all it took for Xie Lian to be distracted and get stabbed. He gripped his stomach and felt the thick blood seep through his clothes.
   His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed to the ground. The only thing he heard before he passed out was Feng Xin screaming, "Your Highness!"

   Xie Lian woke up in a small room. He felt himself moving slightly and immediately knew he was in a boat. With a soft huff he stood up from the small bed and looked around the room, it was very small and simple.
   There was a small window to his side. He walked over and looked outside, he saw Feng Xin sitting against the edge if the ship, tied up.
   His eyes widened and he rushed to the door, only to find out it was locked. He hit the door, "Let me out!"
    Not even a second later, the door opened. He gasped and ran out, "Feng Xin!" He ran over to the man and shook him, "Feng Xin, wake up."
   Feng Xin's eyes fluttered opened and and he groggily asked, "Your that you?"
   "Yes," Xie Lian sighed in relief, "are you alright? Did they hurt you?"
   "He wasn't hurt," a voice said from behind him, "I made sure of that."
   Xie Lian turned around, "San Lang! You're here too."
  "Nice to see you again gege," San Lang said, smiling.
  " did you make sure he was safe? Did you fight? Are you hurt?" Xie Lian asked.
   "He didn't," Feng Xin spat. He had fully regained his consciousness and looked bitter, "He's Hua Cheng, the pirate bastard."
    "What did you call him?" A man asked, stepping forward.
"I called him the pirate bastard, it's what he is isn't it?" Feng Xin repeated.
"Feng Xin, please calm down," Xie Lian pleaded, "I don't want to start a fight." He turned around to the men, "Please forgive him, I will do anything."
"Anything huh?" The man asked.
"No," San Lang said sternly, "I will not allow it. Go back to work."

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