Chapter 2- Shi Qingxuan

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   "Yes boss," the men immediately left the two alone.
   "I knew it!" Feng Xin exclaimed, while Xie Lian sat down in shock, "I knew you were that bastard!"
    "Calm down," Hua Cheng drawled, "I'm not going to hurt you."
    "Not going to hurt us?! You killed the queen!" Feng Xin yelled.
   "I didn't," Hua Cheng said, his eyes full of shock, "I heard about it but it wasn't me."
   "The person came on your ship you idiot!" Feng Xin yelled.
   "Then there's someone we don't know here," Hua Cheng said, then sat down.
   "I'm going to fucking kill your ass!" Feng Xin tried to get up but was pushed down by Xie Lian.
"Feng Xin, we don't know if it was him," Xie Lian said, "calm down."
"Your Highness, he is the only person who would do such a thing," Feng Xin said.
"Feng Xin, you rest," Xie Lian soothed, "I can handle this." He stood up and turned to Hua Cheng, "Do you know who would kill my mother?"
"I mean maybe Water Ghost," Hua Cheng suggested, "but I'm not sure."
"Of course!" Xie Lian exclaimed, "Who else would it be?! San Lang, do you know how he looks like? That way we can find him."
   "He looks lie any other person that's the problem. You won't know if it's him or not," Hua Cheng said.
"What about his ship?" Xie Lian asked, "If he looks normal then his ship must be very distinct."
"Correct," Hua Cheng said, "his ship has big designs of octopus tentacles reaching up."
Xie Lian nodded, "Then we must search for a ship with octopus tentacles going up on the sides." He stood up and turned to Feng Xin, "You didn't get hurt did you?"
"Of course not," Feng Xin drawled, getting up from the floor.
"Good," Xie Lian smiled, "we should be going home."
"I'm afraid you can't, Gege," Hua Cheng said.
"Why not?" Feng Xin asked in a dark tone.
"One, we are in the middle of the ocean. Two, we need to find Water Ghost," Hua Cheng replied.
"He's right," Xie Lian sighed, "father is going to be so worried."
"You'll get back soon, don't worry. We'll just find the killer and get you back," Hua Cheng said. He walked up the stairs and turned to the pirates who saw him and went silent. "If you touch or hurt these two," he pointed at Xie Lian and Feng Xin, "you'll die."
"Aye!" The men replied before getting back to work.
Hua Cheng walked back down and smiled at Xie Lian, "Gege, would you and your friend like to join me for dinner?"
"Absolutely no-" Feng Xin started.
"Sure!" Xie Lian interrupted with a wide grin.
"Great, get ready in around two hours," Hua Cheng said. He turned heel and walked away, yelling some orders about cleaning.
Xie Lian stood still in a daze with a light blush on his cheeks. Feng Xin noticed this and waved a hand in front of the man, "Your Highness? Are you alright?"
"Huh? Oh! Yes!" Xie Lian snapped out of it and chuckled nervously, "Sorry, I was just thinking."
"Mhm," Feng Xin snorted, "come on. Let's go and read something." He walked away to where Xie Lian was staying.
A woman ran up to them, "Oi!" The two turned around, "I'm Shi Qingxuan, who are you two?"
Feng Xin bowed his head, "Feng Xin."
"Xie Lian," the other said.
"Xie Lian as in the Crown Prince?" The woman asked.
"Yes," Xie Lian said sheepishly, "but you can just call me Xie Lian!"
"Alrighty!" Qingxuan smiled, "I'm in charge of making sure all your needs are met, so if you need anything just holler."
"Alright," Xie Lian smiled.
"Also, I heard you're eating dinner with the captain, I'll bring some clothes in a while," she said.
"Thank you," Xie Lian said sweetly.
"Aiyo, look at you," she cooed, "such a sweetheart." She pinched his cheeks softly before leaving.
"She was weird," Feng Xin whispered.
"Don't be rude, she seemed nice," Xie Lian whispered back. They went into the room and looked around, finding a bookshelf.
They picked out a few books to read and sat down at a table to start reading. They read for a while until someone kicked the door open, "Oi! Can't ya leave the door open?!"
"Qingxuan," Xie Lian greeted, "sorry we were reading."
"Hmph, and I thought you two would be respectful," she mumbled. "Here's your clothes for dinner." She set a stack of clothes down on the bed, "If you need any help putting them on call me and I'll help, I used to be a maid so I know how to do this."
Qingxuan walked out the room and closed the door.
Xie Lian looked at the clothes and picked them up. It was a black button up shirt that stopped at the middle of the chest, with some loose dress pants and a white suit.
  He wasn't used to wearing such clothes, but he had to wear them regardless.
  He began taking of his clothes and changing into the new ones.
  Feng Xin turned away and waited.
"Alright, how do I look?" Xie Lian asked, the man turned around to look.
"Not bad," Feng Xin said.
Xie Lian knew that was the best compliment he was going to get. He nodded and walked out the room and saw Qingxuan.
  "Ehehe!" She exclaimed, "You look good!"
  "Thank you," Xie Lian said softly, "where's San- Hua Cheng?"
  "He should be over there," the woman pointed to a room.
   "Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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