Overnight Camp?

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Also the P!nk song is for Oikawas POV not Iwa's :) Doesnt fit too well but we Stan P!nk soo
(Song = Funhouse)

Iwa's POV

I just got home after the last day of school which was unsurprisingly pretty short because it was basically just us saying our goodbyes to the teachers and stuff.

Still though, I was not in the mood to be called downstairs by mom for whatever reason... I seriously just got back.

I called downstairs to respond to my mom, getting up after a few seconds to begrudgingly make my way down the steps.

"What's up.." I say, to tired to complain to her about not wanting to be having this conversation but still sounding exasperated.

"Hajime, that's no way to talk to your mother." She responds, I can admit that my tone wasn't the best... I'm just tired okay?

"Sorry mom, what did you call me down here for?" I ask, feeling kind of guilty about sounding so rude.

"I wanted to tell you that we're signing you up for a summer camp this year, as long as that something you'd want to do if course!" She continues, "we just thought that maybe you'd want to continue being active this summer!"

My mom knew about my enjoyment of working out (ie, going on runs, playing football etc.) and knew that I wouldn't have much opportunities to practice much of the sport over the summer.

"Sure mom, how long?" I respond, wondering how much time I'd be spending at this camp.

"It starts in a few weeks and lasts for almost the whole summer!" I internally sigh, knowing that my mom means well and that I don't really have anything better to do, I respond with,

"Sure, you can sign me up" She smiles at me happily before telling me how she knows I'm gonna love this. I don't really believe her but appreciate the enthusiasm on my behalf.

Not too long after the conversation, dad gets home and we have my favorite food. Probably them trying to get me excited for the upcoming camp in a week in some weird way or maybe it's just them rewarding me for agreeing to go? I'm not really sure but I do appreciate the sentiment.

Oikawas POV

"I'm home!" I call out to the empty house, knowing full well that nobody was there and feeling overwhelmingly happy that I wouldn't have to face either of my "parents" after my last day of school.

I didn't need another bruise today... No, I'm not bullied or anything, I just fell over earlier at school because my bad knee has been acting up lately, no thanks to my "parents". Luckily no one was there to see me fall. Even though everyone (except probably Iwa-Chan) would have at least pretended to be concerned for me, I didn't need anyone's fake pity.

I know how to hide this stuff pretty well though! I don't even wince anymore from the injuries, though flinching has been a pretty bad habit of mine, I don't think anyone's connected the dots yet. Thank all that's holy.

What's holy? Me. Thank me.

On the little coffee table in the center of the living room, I see a small piece of paper. Even though I know better than to snoop in my "parents" business, I can't help but look at the paper.

On it is a receipt for some sort of overnight camp?

I feel a huge sense of relief looking at the thing, does this mean I'm not gonna have to be stuck in this house with them for the rest of this summer??? 

I try not to get my hopes up and ignore the fact that the only reason they wanna send me away is cause they don't want to see my ugly face... I already know that I'm a failure though and don't need their passive aggression to tell me that. I already am fully aware that I've ruined their life with my existence and deserve this treatment. Doesn't mean I'm gonna like them though.

I'm every bit as horrible as they say and I am fully aware of that.

When I get to my deceivingly fancy room, I look up the camp on my iPhone. It starts next week. I desperately try to push down the blossoming hope in my chest.

First Impressions (An Iwaoi Enemies to Lovers Fic Summer Camp AU)Where stories live. Discover now