CHAPTER.1: A child

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(Royal Woods, Ketcham Park.)

It was August 4th, and the year was 2020

The night is brisk and calm and clear, and it seems everything there is all silent, except for the sound of crickets, and the sight of Fireflies.

A shadowy figure waits around the park, this figure has a pistol and is waiting for someone. "Damn it. Where the hell is he? He said he has something for me to use so I can be able to make quick bucks on them." The man sneezes and puts his hat back on. "Ding dang cold air, this had better not be some kind of prank. Ol' Flip isn't looking for a hospital bill."

The man who runs Flip's Food n' Fuel is just waiting there in the cold night, but who is he seeing and what does he seek.

Then another figure goes to him and the voice sounds a bit high and shrill almost. "Hey, you the guy I'm supposed to meet?" The figure is wearing a brown trench coat and dark blue hat and has some black boots and his hands in his pockets.

Flip is confused by this figure. "That depends, what do you got for me?"

"Yeah, I got what you need." The figure shows Flip, the briefcase with some candy that has been known in New York.

"Oh yeah, now that's what I like to see. Foreign candy to sell at a high price. This is free right?" asked Flip.

"Why yes it is, but before you do get your hands on this. I have one thing to ask of you, do you recall a person named Harold Demento?" asked the figure.

"Umm, yeah why? The last time I heard from him was five years ago and he was my old pal and we made such good business, especially when he helped me make the Flippie" replied Flip.

"You mean the recipe of the drink you stole from him?" asked the figure.

Flip gets nervous hearing this. "What? What the heck are you talking about? I was the one who made the Flippie, he was the one who helped and let me take all the credit, there's no way I would've stolen the idea and used it for my own gain."

"Hmm, that's not what he told me" replied the Figure as he holds onto the briefcase.

"Hey, his words are nothing, besides, he's... Wait, how do you know him? He died years ago!" said Flip.

"Let's just say, he told me of the wrongs you did before he died, by your own hands!" said the figure.

"What? Who the heck are you? How do you know this?!" asked Flip as he backs away from him. "Are you some kind of cop?!"

"Nope, just an assassin, from Hell!" The figure then removes his trench coat and shows to be an actual demon.

A demon named Blitzo. The O is silent in his name. Blitzo is a very lanky jester-like imp with a pointed tail who conversely has wide-proportioned hands, pointed feet with a boot-like heel, and a narrow head with curved horns. His eyes have black lines running down the eyelids and his sclera are yellow with red irises.

Blitzo has crimson skin with trace white blotches that cover his right eye and the tip of his tail, black-and-white striped horns with black spines between them running to his tail, and black stripes around his tail. A heart-shaped skull symbol rests on his forehead. He wears a torn black collared coat with red buttons, black boots (incidentally sharing the same shape as his feet), and large black gloves with yellow eyes on them. Blitzo also has a red skull charm around his neck.

Blitzo is holding a barb-wired baseball bat and a knife and has a menacing grin. "What happens now is gonna be bloody beyond anything from you my good man, so sorry this has to be this way shit head!"

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