The Stupid Purple Dragon

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      Evie sat in the cafeteria of the hospital staring at the horrible white walls and the creepyceramic bust that made her feel even more uncomfortable than she had been before. She couldn't believe they put a creepy ceramic bust in an already creepy hospital cafeteria. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying so much. She couldn't believe she was here right now.

Just a few hours ago she had been running around on the green grass chasing after her little sister Mal. The tiny girl had been laughing as she tried to get away from her sister, her tiny hand clutching onto the purple arm of her dragon.

Everything had been fine until Mal lost her balance and a loud thud was heard. The fall caused her purple dragon to go flying into the street. Before Evie could stop her Mal had gone running into the street to get it just as a car had come barreling down the street.

Evie sighed as the white walls of the cafeteria were making her anxious. She couldn't stop bouncing her legs. She could barely relax. She just wanted news on her baby sister. The receptionist had told her it would be a while and made her go sit in the cafeteria.

She claimed Evie needed to eat something. Evie just stared at the food on her plate moving her fork around in the pasta. How could she eat when she barely even knew if her sister was alive.

Her adorable baby sister was a couple of rooms away hooked up to a bunch of machines and fighting for her life. She couldn't even be there with her to tell her it will be okay like she usually did whenever Mal cried or scrapped a knee.

The tears were starting to run down again as she thought of the possibility of never getting to comfort her little sister when she cried or never getting to play silly games with her. She may never get to hug or tickle her sister ever again thanks to the driver and the stupid purple dragon Mal loved so dearly.

That stupid purple dragon that was now sitting in the small red plastic chair next to her. The dragon had been completely fine. Evie couldn't stop glaring at that dragon. She felt as though the dragon was mocking her.

She just wanted to rip it apart and watch as the dragon went from a fluffy toy to a raggedy old ripped up piece of garbage. How it had been so unfair that her sister was dying but her stupid dragon was fine.

She told Mal to leave the dragon at home but Mal just cried and gave her the puppy dog eyes that she could never resist. Evie hated that dragon if only Mal hadn't have brought it to the park then Mal would be fine right now probably cuddled up with her watching Dragon Tales and Evie wouldn't be stuck in a hospital cafeteria waiting to know the fate of her baby sister.

She hated that driver too. The driver who decided that he was in too big of a hurry to stop and make sure the young two year old he just hit was okay. He just hit her and took off. Oh how she wants to just hurt this man and make him pay.

The police claimed they are on it and she really hopes the police catch this man because she wants justice for what he did. What kind of person just hits a kid and leaves? Evie knew if Mal didn't pull through this that man would be getting a nice trip to hell and she would be getting a trip back to the Isle, but she doesn't care.

Evie is going to make this man pay for messing with her family and messing with a villain kid because Evie may act sweet, but if anyone messes with her family she won't hesitate to destroy them.

Evie groaned as she checked her phone; another hour had just passed by and yet she still has no news on Mal's condition. Evie just quickly stood up and started to pace around. Sitting in those tiny red hospital cafeteria chairs were causing her more anxiety.

The Stupid Purple DragonWhere stories live. Discover now