chapter x

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before the chapter: a note from the author:
hi. it's me :)
i just wanna start out and give a ginormous thank you to everyone who's been reading, voting, and even commenting cause y'all making a little 'ol girl like me feel special. love ya. here's a chapter for you lovely people. thank you again for 3K. (i won't shut up about it)

New York
you wanna talk?

He'd been staring at the message for as long as it had lit up his screen. It's all he wanted for the past two days since his conversation with Techno. He stayed up late into the night, contemplating the ins and outs of their conversation. He weighed the issue and came to a conclusion.

He was being a bitch.

He didn't have any actual reason to be upset. He and Evangeline's friendship had only been going on for four months or so, the time passing quickly. She wasn't entitled to anything. He had just.. wanted to be closer to her. He claimed to himself to not to know why.

He wanted to apologize, but didn't no how. He didn't even know if she knew that he was upset. He had said he wasn't after all.

Now the moment was upon him and he was stuck. By the time he made an effort to respond, to say anything, he was met the the black screen of his phone. His reflection stared back at him, trapping without the confines of his phone, the link between him and normality.

Patches gracefully leaped up onto his desk and pawed at the phone. She gently pawed at the phone, looking back at her owner.

"Do you think I should respond?"

As if being able to understand him, Patches lowered her eyelids looking as if he had asked the dumbest question in the world.

"Don't give me that look. You don't know the stress I'm under right now."

She laid herself down onto the desk, licking her legs.

"Oh, you're so much help. Thanks."

Patches gave a bored meow.

With a grumble towards his cat, he grabbed his phone and left his room. He made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Grabbing a water bottle in the fridge, he made his way to the front door and went to grab his keys.

His sister on the couch called out to him. "It's literally midnight, Clay. Where are you going?"

He jumped at her voice. "I'm not going anywhere. Just out to my car."

"Are you going to buy food?"


"If you do, can you get me some?"

"It's midnight." He mocked. "Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"Sleep is for the weak."

"Oh, yeah? I heard you snoring from my room this morning?"

"'Cause you finally stopped talking to your girlfriend all night and I could get some shut-eye. What happened? Did she leave you for George or something?"

He stared at his sister in both disbelief and disgust. "I do not have a girlfriend, but if I did, she would not leave me for George."

"If you say so." His sister ended the conversation there, stuffing her headphone into her ear and flipping back onto the couch.

He stared at where she lay for a few moments before opening the front door and heading to his parked car. He jumped into the backseat and laid down. He let out a breath and closed his eyes.

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