Perfect World

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Monty: "Okay, er let's recap a bit, shall we? This was meant to be a new start, really, a perfect world free from all the evil that had corrupted each and every corner of the known and unknown universe. It was going to be a place of safety for our kids, the little 'yous', you, little, well so far so good...

Now I can understand your initial shock coming face to face with Maxis, especially after so long, but you did the right thing. You followed the plan; you brought the Summoning Key here, and you destroyed that bloody machine once and for all."

"And... nothing wrong is happening..."

"Well... this is a surprise... I was expecting at least one of you to fuck this up. After all that's how this all was supposed to happen..."

"What happened instead?"

We pan over school with multiple kids running around the perimeter, you can hear conversations ensuing amongst them as they enjoy themselves. Suddenly, a man dressed in what is clearly a U.S. Marine uniform steps forward before blowing a whistle.

"Alright ankle biters, I want to see 30 push ups! I'm talking to you especially you Stuhlinger! Look at those weak ass muscles! NOW MOVE YOUR FUCKING ASSES!" Tank Dempsey yelled to the children in front of him, both victis and ultimis, except they had become, well, younger as they all dropped and started to give the ex-zombie fighter 30 push-ups.

"Since when the fuck did Tank become a drill instructor for children in this timeline! Granted Argatha doesn't follow a natural stream of time but that's besides the damn point. Where the Hell is the Shadowman? The fucking paradox is supposed to happen! Primis arrives, Maxis Fucks up, I send them back to the Great War, history goes by, 115 is rediscovered etc. etc. lather rinse repeat. But instead it seems that... all is well? Did I pull some shit out of my fucking ass and somehow create a new timeline!! Damn I have such a headache right now!"

We fast forward to see the children now in a classroom, teaching them seemed to be... Richthofen and Maxis!? Both looking sane and healthy and not rambling about the vril or
Samantha or securing a better tomorrow.

"Now, if a human pushes down on the ground with 40 Newton's of force, how much force is thereby pushing back on the humans hand?" Richthofen asked the children, who seemed to be in the middle of a physics lesson.

Abigail "misty" Briarton raised her hand, "wouldn't it be 40 Newton's as well? As Newton's third law would apply to this scenario?" She responded.

"Very good misty! Indeed the ground would exert an equal amount of force in the opposite direction that the human hand is pushing. In a manner of speaking, the more someone pushes, the more they are pushed back." The once former mad scientist answered in delight.

Maxis nodded before continuing, "now most of Agartha and earth are affected by the force of gravity..."

Okay... so maxis, Richthofen, and Dempsey... what about Nikolai and Takeo? I wonder what they are up to?

We fast forward some more at night to see all the children taking a hike with Takeo through agartha before reaching a nice grassy hill upon which to stargaze. All of them look up as they listen to the samurai.

"The ancient Japanese believed that the stars were the spirits of the ancestors watching over us and guiding us towards our goals. Today we tend to be more scientific, we actually know theyre big balls of gas, but in all honesty, it's a wonder how far away, even a hot ball of gas can look as beautiful as a cherry blossom in springtime." Takeo said, many of the children smiling and listening intently to the soldier.

Morning came and with it came new meals. And the head chef for everyone... "alright alright! Hey no Vodka or alcohol before school adults! It's taken me 3 months to become sober and I'm not letting you all fall into the same hell hole." A familiar Russian voice calls out as we then see Nikolai Come in with an apron on carrying two plates full of chocolate chip pancakes. There were smiles and conversation at the table as the children then got up to play for a bit before their lessons started, as the adults headed to the shooting range, eager to see who was the best shot amongst them all.

Well... I can't say I'm not pleased... to be honest... this is Better than perfect... it's beautiful... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Monty smiled and faded away before joining the adults, Deciding to show them all who the real sharpshooter was. We pan out of agartha to see a earth that is green and full of life without the presence of victis, ultimis, or primis. It seems that ok you need is a perfect world and everything will turn out fine.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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