The First Day

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Nico was being held by the wrist. He was being dragged across the lawn to the infirmary. By Will Solace. Nico would never admit it aloud, but he had a crush on the blond-haired boy. That was really the only reason he wasn't shadow traveling away, that and the fact that if he did, he'd probably die. That was why he was being dragged to the infirmary anyways. Also, if he shadow traveled Will would be dragged along with him, which mean they'd both die or if by some miracle they survived Nico would get an hour-long lecture about how he could have died. 

Nico was snapped out of his thoughts when they arrived. He stared up at the one-story building, it looked like a one-story hospital (I'm great at describing thing).

"Well?" Will asked standing by the door, "You coming? Or am I gonna have to drag you inside too?"

Nico honestly wouldn't have minded but instead of saying that he said, "Yeah, I'm coming."

"Great! Come on Death Boy!" Will exclaimed walking into the infirmary. Nico followed, the inside was a weird color that couldn't seem to decide if it wanted to be white or yellow. There were a lot of people on hospital beds or cots. There didn't seem to be enough beds for the people that were there even with the cots. One bed was open, Nico found this weird because they could use that bed for some of the people with broken bones that were hopping around trying to find space.

"Here you are Death Boy, your very own hospital bed!" Will said slightly sarcastically, "I saved it for you, because like, you'll probably be here longer than most people in here,"

"I thought you said 3 days!?" Nico said.

"Yeah, most people will be out today or tomorrow," Will replied with a slight smile.

"Okay...," Nico said suspicious of Solace's real intentions.

"Now sit and take off your shirt," Will said walking away.

"Wait, what?!" Nico exclaimed.

"So I can see your scars, come on Death Boy, you think I'd pull something in front all these people? Maybe later," Will said with a wink.

Nico's face was probably as red as a tomato, "Uh... Okay," Nico stuttered, he pulled his shirt off slowly. Will came back with a small cube of ambrosia, a small thing of nectar, and a wet washcloth.

"Alright, eat this," Will said handing the piece of ambrosia to Nico, "Drink this," He said handing the small container of nectar, "And turn around," With that Nico felt like he might die. He was pretty skinny, he had cuts probably on every inch of him, and he was really pale (don't tell me I'm wrong he lost most of his color when Bianca died). Will didn't seem to care, he hummed whilst wash the scars on Nico's back, Will almost seem at peace. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as Nico thought.


I'm sorry about my attempt to flirt. I don't know how to so that made my cringe as I wrote it. Other than that, I hope you liked it. I might also make one shots because I really want them to be together already so if I don't I might rush this and I feel the rushed ones aren't as good. Thanks for reading!

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